
Naps for 11 month old?

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I have noticed that it seems to be common for babies this age to take like 2 naps a day for a couple hours. Mine only takes maybe 2-half hour naps a day. Is this normal, or does anyone have any suggestions on getting her to take longer naps? She gets up around 7, and goes to bed around 9.




  1. Every child is different.  As long as she's taking 1-2 naps a day you really don't have a lot to be concerned about.  How active is she during the day?  Have you tried cutting out the first nap and having only 1 nap a day for longer?  My baby is 13 months.  Around 11 months she stopped taking two-hour naps and now takes one-two hour nap around 1 pm.  She is up by 8 am.

  2. its normal my daughter is almost 11 months old and most of the time she only takes one 2 hour nap a day. and then sleeps 7 to 7 through the night

  3. It's normal, my son didn't start taking two hour naps until he was down to one nap a day...he would have never went to bed at night if he was taking 2, 2 hr naps a day

  4. My son has two 1 hr naps a day and wakes up around 7am, and goes to bed at 6pm. he has his 1st nap an hour after breakfast, and his 2nd, an hour after lunch. hes 15 months, and has been in this same routine since he was about 9-10ish months. i think every baby is different, he'll let you know if he's tired etc...

  5. My baby only takes one nap a day and he is 5mths. If you are breast feeding he will have more energy and might not nap as long.  If you start giving him more rest then he needs then he might not go to bed on time.  Whatever is normal for your abby is normal.  

  6. its pretty typical, mine did it for the longest and now shes 15 months and takes one 1 1/2 hr nap every day, just let them do what they feel is best for now, still young to force things, they still have their own schedual.

  7. my little girl seem tired about one hour after geting up for the first time at 7 and then every 2 hours or so she gets tired and goes again for about an hour... i would like to know if that is normal...

  8. The typical 1-year-old will sleep between 10 and 12 hours at night and take a couple of one- to two-hour naps during the day. As always, the amount of sleep depends on the individual baby. Break her nap up.
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