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For girls:

Matilda Casey-Nola (nicknames Matti or Milly)


Eliza Haley (nickname Elly or Zali)

For boys:

Mitchell Luke or Mitchell Lukas (nickname Mitch)


Adam Luke or Adam Lukas

Which do you prefer? Feel free to suggest other boys names but the girls names aren't changing. No middle names are changing either as these are family names!!




  1. EW! Matilda? SOOO old and weird! I like Casey-Nola though, surprisingly.

    Alisa Hailey


    Luke Michael.

  2. i think Eliza is just lovely and classic

    and Adan Luke is very nice for a boy

    great choices!

  3. Eliza Nicole

  4. I think the names Matilda and Mitchell are really cute. ;)

    But Adam is more of a traditional sounding name so I think I'd go with Adam.

    And some boy suggestions just for the heck of it;





  5. Eliza Haley

    Adam Luke

  6. I dont like the casey-nola thing. I think it sounds like a cupcake or something. but I love the name eliza and I like mitchell lucas.

  7. Poor girl...

    Mitchell Lukas is cute though.

  8. i really like that nickname matti!!

    so i like matilda casey-nola a lot!!!

    and i think i like adam lukas best

    i like lukas because i don't really know.. haha sorry i just do like it

    and other boys names i've always liked..

    asher, landin, cameron (cam for short?), cole, clay, i don't know just suggestions but i do like adam as well!!

  9. Eliza Haley

    Adam Lukas or Luca

  10. I love Eliza Haley and Adam Luke

  11. I like Eliza Casey Nola, go with your heart and don't listen to what others say its your baby.

  12. I like Eliza Haley for the little girl. Very cute. There's not a ton of Eliza's out there, but it's not a weird or out there name at the same time, so good choice.

    For the little boy I love Adam Lucas. I think for either boys name, whatever you pick, Lucas flows better than Luke does. I guess it'd also depend on what the last name was, but with Lucas in there it feels a lot smoother when you say it. Good luck!

  13. yay! i like the first choice for the girl since i love the name Milly and the movie Matilda! Adam Lukas for the boy. The only thing i don't like is the Casey-Nola hyphenation. Just make her middle name one or the other.

  14. Eliza haley has a much better flow compared to the other girl name you have picked.  I think its the Casey-Nola that throws me. Nola Casey sounds better.

    I like Mitchell Lucas, Mitch is such a bad *** name.

  15. i like the second one because it has my name in it just spelled diffrent!hailey

    both of the guy names suck!!

    mathew luke!

    mathew caleb

    seth caleb

    zachery steven

  16. Boys, Blake Anthonty, Girls, Brea Elizabeth

  17. eliza haley

    mitchell lukas

    are my picks

  18. Eliza Haley and Mitchell Lukas

  19. Well i've always wanted a little girl named Matilda so i'm going to have to go with Matilda Casey-Nola (and Milly is a very cute nickname) & for the boy i really like Mitchell Lukas it sounds really good together. But i also think for a boy Ryan would sound good as a first name with Lukas as the middle name.. Best of Luck.

  20. Eliza Haley and Mitchell Lukas are my favorites good luck on your decision.

  21. Eliza Haley for sure! nick name- Ellie

    Mitchell Luke- I like Luke as a first name too!

    other boy names-







  22. Mitchell Lukas and Matilda Casey-Nola, although, if it's not part of the family name, I wouldn't hyphenate the middle name...lots of people have 2+ middle names

  23. Eliza Haley & Lukas Mitchell (I love the name Lucas).

  24. eliza haley and adam lukas
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