
Narrowing down girls names...?

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Which girls name do you prefer?

Anya Michelle Morris

Marina Shelby Morris

Laila Michelle Morris

Michelle is my mother's name; Shelby is my maiden name; and Morris is our last name.

Think about which name you would prefer as your own name...




  1. Is Marina Michelle Morris too much alliteration?


    I really like Laila Michelle Morris because it seems to flow without becoming corny or repetetive.

  2. Anya Michelle Morris is beautiful!!! good luck!

  3. Marina Shelby Morris. its very nice and uncommon.  

  4. Both Anya Michelle Morris and Marina Shelby Morris are beautiful! Both really flow and either Marina or Anya would be really pretty, and unique (but not weird). Marina Michelle Morris is a bit too much alliteration but she probably won't be using her full full name on a daily basis so I dont think its a problem if you would go with this.

  5. I like Marina Michelle Morris, it floats off the tongue nicely. Like a movie star name.

  6. Marina Shelly Morris

    Shelly instead of Michelle

    breaks the name up abit

    Marina is a gorgeous unusual name

    I love it


  7. my favorite is Marina Shelby. actually i think Marina Michelle Morris works well also.

  8. I like Anya Michelle Morris.

  9. i like

    Anya Michelle Morris *(AMM)*


    Laila Michelle Morris *(LMM)*


  10. most definetly anya michelle morris.

    &yes. marina michelle morris has a little too much m's.

  11. i love laila michelle morris, it's really pretty. i think 3 m's would be too much alliteration. go with laila michelle, it sounds really nice.

  12. Anya or Laila Michelle Morris

  13. Laila Michelle Morris

    But i also like Shelby as a first name...

    Shelby Michelle Morris

    Hope this helps!

  14. Marina Michelle Morris.

    She'd be MMMmmmmmmm!

    (Otherwise, would she be "did ya get any anya?")

  15. i like Marina Michelle Morris, it's fine to have triple M, it's not a tongue twister. I also like Marina Shelby Morris.

  16. I like Marina a lot but I perfer Marina Michelle.

  17. How about Anya Shelby Morris

    or she could have two middle names

    Anya Michelle Shelby Morris (actually that doesn't sound too good)

  18. I think you should do Anya, only I like the German spelling: Anja.

    I also LOVE Marina, but paired with Morris it's a little too alliterative for me.

  19. Anya Michelle Morris.

  20. Anya Michelle

  21. Marina Shelby Morris is good.

  22. I like Laila Michelle...very pretty.  I don't know how I feel about the triple Ms in Marina Michelle Morris...I don't like Marina though.  

  23. Anya Michelle Morris most definitely.  This is a unique name and it is very pretty.

  24. Laila Michelle Morris

    this name is beautiful i would love to have it as my own

  25. Anya Michelle Morris

  26. Laila Michelle Morris

  27. Anya Michelle Morris is my favorite!

  28. MMM is a bit much I think - but MSM is fine.

    I would choose either Marina or Laila.

    Instead of Marina, if you really want to use Michelle as the middle, what about Karina or Sarina?

  29. Laila Michelle Morris

    however, its could be hard for her to say michelle morris . my first and last name both start with s and i know i have trouble saying when i get really nervous.

    i really like laila and marina. however, i dont really know about using ur maiden name for a middle name.

    all of ur first names are very unique. you should go for a simpler middle name such as nicole or lynn etc.

    =) hope i helped.  

  30. Anya Michelle Morris

    Marina Shelby Morris

    Laila Michelle Morris

    They are all really great choices! I think Anya is best!

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