
Naruto Shippuuden Q!?!

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O.k. a simple question. Are Sasuke and Karin together??




  1. No shes obsessed with him but he doesn't care for her.

  2. No, but Karin either hinted to a time in the past, or possibly another one of her pervy dreams.

  3. ...Karin is with Sasuke, but Sasuke isn't with Karin. Does that make sense? ^_^;

  4. Not really.

    She's a bit obsessed...but no.

  5. No they are not.

    She likes him

    but he is like destroy  destroy  

  6. No but Karin is obsessed with Sasuke

  7. No, don't think so.

  8. Nah.... although she's like obsessed over him.. He doesnt even look at her, of course he doesnt, cuz hes freakin g*y!! LOL, just j/k...dont take it serious but I think its so true...

    xD <3 Anime^^

  9. no!

    but she wants it

    sasuke doesnt coz hez g*y

  10. Nope

  11. NO!! And I hope they never are!!! She is so very annoying.

  12. No. Sasuke doesn't have anything else in mind than getting stronger^_^ Ya-Ha!!!

  13. NOOO!
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