
Naruto confusion about the show;?

by  |  earlier

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Alright, when do the normal episodes stop or whatever and then shippuden start? what are those episodes anyway? Where can i find them online in english dub? Help please?




  1. Go to for a better understanding of episodes. Type in naruto.

    Best site for viewing naruto is They're a bunch of "soup n***s" but they do good work and its free... enjoy and dont complain

  2. Naruto ends at episode 220, and Shippuuden starts at Naruto Shippuuden episode 1.

    You can watch it here:

  3. Alright, this is kind of confusing but I'll try to make it as easy as possible :]

    Naruto episodes 1-135(or maybe its till 138 I cant remember) are all following the actual plot.

    Than from 135-220 Are the FILLER EPISODES.

    You dont actually need to watch these, since they were just doing this to let the manga gain some space with the anime. They have no relation to the plot.

    After Naruto Episode 220, A NEW series entitled "Naruto Shippuden" Begins.  As in, It will be titled "Naruto Shippuden Episode 1" not "Naruto Episode 221."

    Shippuden Episodes are not currently available dubbed. You can find them subbed here though:

    Besides subbed is better than dubbed! :]

    Hope I helped!

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