
Nas...Emerging Artist?

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I walked into the Borders Bookstore to get myself the MF FOOD album. I was looking to see if they had untitled (just curious) and it was in the emerging artist section while Lil Wayne was under the "top 25 artists" at #14. Call me crazy, but after 14 years of legendary work, I don't think Nas is an "emerging artist"?

Rhh: Song of the day?




  1. The person who organized that stuff is a idiot.

    99 Problems-Jay-Z(classic song)

  2. there either idiots or just lazy and just threw it there

    Song of the Day: All of Me Joe Budden

  3. well look who works at borders bookstore......

    or maybe they didnt want to re orginize things or wanted to diss him.. who knos

  4. Maybe NAs is doomed to the anals of history. He'll be the butt of all jokes, in an assinine way. Behind him is legendary status, in the rear that is


  5. dude its boarders no one shops there for hip hop cd (apparently you did ) bur in fye i think nas is #1

  6. people who put out those cds really dont care about where they put them... beliveeeeeeeeeeeeee me... i work at target i jus throw stuff anywhere lol

  7. haha im pretty sure they have an all white might wanna school em on something

    and I jus got y you looked to see id they had nas

    did u get the MM...Food? (great cd...Hoe Cakes is the sh*t)

    SOTD: Aesop Rock-Coffee

    Trae what the h**l

  8. Emerging artist section, what are you kidding me? Nas has been in the game since 1990 when he first appeared on Live At The BBQ by Main Source. Illmatic is considered the greatest rap album ever. It's like the bible for hip hop. Lil Wayne only been in the game since 1997. He's only got tha carter, tha carter II, and tha carter III. I don't even listen to Lil Wayne, and Untitled is easily the best album of the year.  Song of the day is Real Thugs - Eazy-E, 2Pac, Ice Cube.

  9. undoubtably a mistake, literably impossible to do on purpose

  10. lawwwwwlllllzzzzzzzzzz @ 'white-owned establishments' swearing they know anything bout RHH.....

    like Joe Budden said "[@ Bill O'rielly] Ni99a you 95 years old you shouldn't be a listener"
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