
Nasa admits we're due for a long cold spell due to the sun?

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so sorry, i forgot the link




  1. A wide range of perfectly natural, reasonably well understood cycles impact weather and climate.  The annual cycle of seasons.  The large-scale patterns pointed out by NASA.  Even longer term cycles apparently drive major glacial periods and the intervening interglacial warm periods, as we're in now.  

    As many (most) scientists involved in the matter point out, the effect of greenhouse gas emissions is to raise average temperature and increase the energy in the atmosphere.  The other cycles are superimposed on this rise in the long term average.  Nobody seems surprised that in spite of global warming, winter still comes.  This article simply points to one of the longer cycles that's well known.

    As pointed out above, the real problem comes when this cooler wave breaks and we have our greenhouse gas induced temperature rise plus the rebound from the slightly colder period.  Things could well heat up quite quickly, possibly greatly stressing many ecosystems worldwide.  

    I wouldn't consider 10 or 20 years a "long cold spell."  And it's not due to the sun, due to ocean circulation.  500 years is getting up to a moderately long cold spell.  10,000 years seems like long enough to call "long term."

  2. OIC.  "NASA admits"?  You figure they have been hiding sun secrets, and now they are coming clean?

  3. I heard that that the natural balance of the earth is set to provide us with a 10 year chilling spell where the temperature is to stay the same as a counter balance to the co2 and methane in the air, this will give us a 10 year time limit to figure out what the best way to deal with our addiction to fuels etc yet after the 10 years, there is set to be a huge increase in temperature should the issue remain the same, having said this, there will naturally be an increase in temperature due to the blanket of emmisions that has shrowded the o3 layer.  the temperature should not rise dramarically should we find ways to improve our life styles.

    I heard this on a news channel i believe.

  4. global warming, global cooling  ! ha !so umm is global cooling made  by us not driving as much, as global warming was supposivly made by pollution yadi yadi yadi

    its a crock , the earth will change as it always has, people way back in the acient times thought God was punishing them , and we still evolved and adapted, nothing we can do

  5. Please be more specific

  6. The UK Telegraph reports "global warming will stop until at least 2015 because of natural variations in the climate."

    Do we need more proof that humans have no effect on the climate?

    If there are natural cooling cycles, might there also be natural warming cycles?

  7. I'm with littlerobbergirl on this one, plus the sun does go through cycles which can heat up or cool down the earth. If we are experiencing a solar cooling event it will only mean that the effects of global warming will be dampened a bit, and the earth may warm still further anyway.

    But the question this really begs is what happens when the sun goes back to a warming cycle, this will mean global warming magnified.  With untold tonnage of CO2, Methane and other heat trapping gases being emitted each year don't you think when the sun cycles enviably shift this will have a profound effect? To me it is as intuitively obvious as seeing dark clouds and knowing it is going to rain.

    Besides Nasa's prediction are yet to be seen and with Bush in the White House and the EPA scandal that is going on it is hard to trust any government organization.

  8. dont know is it to do with sun spots or the lack of them?

  9. you didnt read your own link properly did you? it's the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)

    “these natural climate phenomena can sometimes hide global warming caused by human activities. Or they can have the opposite effect of accentuating it.”

    and on this side, we have the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO)

    "We've always known that the climate varies naturally from year to year and decade to decade," said Richard Wood from the UK's Hadley Centre, who reviewed the new research for Nature.

    "We expect man-made global warming to be superimposed on those natural variations; and this kind of research is important to make sure we don't get distracted from the longer term changes that will happen in the climate (as a result of greenhouse gas emissions)."

    edit; link doesnt work, but i cant really take seriously a site that has so many emotive words on its front page;

    'ruthless' 'exploited' 'stunning' 'zealotry' '"Gore, his followers in the global-warming crowd and ultra-liberal environmentalists' 'scare' 'profit-making gimmicks' 'environmentalists are trying to rule the earth' etc etc ad nauseum. and thats in the first 6 paragraphs, before we even get onto the titles of the articles....

    thats politics, not science.

  10. It is, as I have long suspected that the role of CO2 in our atmosphere has been substantially over estimated, it is a factor, but only one in many. It is certainly not the main driver of our climate, as the global warming alarmists would have us believe. Also, as man's contribution to the total CO2 entering the atmosphere is only a tiny fraction of the whole, our affect on climate change is negligible. We should however use our resources wisely and clean  up after ouselves, but that won't make any difference to temperatures.

    Carbon dioxide is NOT pollution, it is a natural and vital component of our atmosphere, without it there would be not life here at all

  11. Nasa "admits".... as if it were a bad thing?

  12. "Kudos" for pointing out one aspect of the Energy Cycle. Most Alarmist forget or ignore this and others. Such as the Life Cycle, and Water Cycle. Only emphasizing the Carbon Cycle, which...  they presume superimposes all others.

  13. That'll be the governments excuse for global cooling, slap more tax on everything

  14. Yea, do you here that sound....BEEP....BEEP...BEEP...BEEP.

    That is the sound of NASA and AGW crazies all over the world trying to back up on their idiotic predictions. Of course, after rerunning there "models" they are now able to predict that AGW will happen, but we may have to wait 15 years. I am sure they recommend we continue to tax everyone and implement other dumb (can we say biofuels) solutions.

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