
Nasa sent out a space probe with all our details for any passing aliens?

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do you remenber this? where can i get info on this?? direct information plz.




  1. You have your answers, but for those who do not realize. The first probe is now over 9.9 Billion miles away. It has left the solar shock wave and is now past our Suns direct effect. It is truly into space. the chance of aliens are slim to none as 9.9 billion miles is not very far in space. The craft sends signals back and is traveling about 39000 miles an hour. The second craft is about 7.7 Billion miles away. The Sun is only 93 Million miles. So these craft are way way out there. Any of the web sites that you were already given are great. The point is these craft, at least one of them could be considered out of our solar system. The Sun would no longer pull it back.

    Just look up Pioneer Space craft

  2. Voyager 1 & 2 had a message to anyone who found them but i'm not sure but i think S.E.T.I. sent out a mathematical equation that was binary code that had our D.N.A. code.

  3. They've done this with loads of probes. There are books on the entire subject alone. I think the one you’re referring to is Voyager. The golden record is also accompanied by the relevant equipment to actually play the record. Not sure about any dna, I think thats another probe. I just know the record contains several symphonies and several hundred personal messages recorded in different languages, as well as 'the sounds of earth'.

    Sorry, not quoting any links, this is based on memory.



    You will like this site on it.  Lots of info here.  Enjoy.  

  6. yes i can remember, think it was 1977

    i read somewhere last year, that its only just leaving our solar system

  7. Lol, I wonder if they like our radio signals we're sending out?

    The only sad thing is what if humans or earth is destroyed in the future? The Aliens look for us and find we're gone?

    I really hope we make contact in this Generation!, lol

  8. Voyagers 1 and 2, Google Voyager 1 and 2.

  9. Pioneer 10 and 11 have an engraved plaque, with a few simple line drawings and schematics, but I would hardly call that "all our details".

    Later, the Voyager 1 and 2 probes were fitted with disks that contain some encoding of images, music and greetings in various languages; again, that is far from being "all our details", just a small sample.

  10. It is unlikely that it has even reached the edge of the solar system yet so I imagine that if there are any aliens out there advanced enough to (a) be there and (b) have the technology to intercept and translate the data, then it is very likely that they would already know that we are here.  At the speed voyager was/is travelling, it will take forever before it reaches anywhere which might actually have the remotest possibility of harbouring any Klingons.  Lets keep our fingers crossed eh.  

  11. It's OK, I got the goods on the Aliens too.

  12. Voyager.  Let's hope the aliens didn't get rid of their record players already.

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