
Nasal bone fracture?? PLEASE HELP?

by  |  earlier

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i don't notice any swelling. i got in a fight a few nights ago and my nose was bleeding but it stopped shortly. when i touch a certain area on the right side of my nose (like the nasal bone) it really really hurts. kinda like a sharp pain or burn/stinging kind of feeling. is it just bruised or should i go to a doctor? or just wait it out? WHAT IS IT




  1. You might have cracked it but, there's not much that can be done about it. Unless you're bleeding into your sinus cavities, waiting for it to heal, is your best bet.

    Doctors can't "set" your nose.

  2. you gotta go get it fixed and fight the lady that did it to you

  3. i think u have a broken nose get i looked at and see if im right kk

  4. you need to go and have an x-ray

  5. Really with a broken nose there's not much they can do... I mean they can't really cast it... so just don't touch where it hurts (doctor, it hurts when I do this, well don't do this)

  6. Go to a doctor. Even if it is nothing, you don't want to risk it. If it's broken and you leave it alone, it might heal where it is and you might end up with breathing problems that you can only fix with surgery. Bone heals VERY quickly, so go to a doctor!

  7. I would listen to "Dora" she sounds like she has it right.

    Do it asap don't wait I know it happened to me when i was younger, just like Dora said.

    good Luck.

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