
Nascar Ultimate DVD collection- limited edition coins to be shipped with each DVD.?

by  |  earlier

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I too like the rest of you received a DVD 'unsolisted'. I did decide to keep it as my son & I are big NASCAR fans. The offer also said they would include a 'limited edition' collectors coin with every shipment (total of 7 coins) along with a display stand to hold the coins. I have received 6 out of 7 coins. Here is the problem. The last 2 DVD's that came had NO COIN. I called the customer service and they had no explanation. I truly believe that they know I have 6 out of 7 coins.

If they send the 7th coin to complete my set, they think I will cancel. I like most of the DVD's so far and have returned a few, but have paid for 6 of them that we liked. If this is how NASCAR is going to treat their fans, it NOT RIGHT.

I will contact the B.B.B. if on my next shipment I don't receive the final coin to the set and cancel coin short.

Is anyone else having this same problem with NASCAR Ultimate DVD collection?

BTW- If you try and look at their web site- IT'S FOR SALE




  1. i never received one.  i feel ripped off that i never got the chance to get ripped off... ;-)

    seriously, sorry to hear about it.

  2. waah boo-hoo

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