
Nascar <span title="Nation.............????????">Nation.............??????...</span>

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Are any of you tired of the troll nation yet?? when does school start back up LOL???

Okay for my real question.........

since all the trolls can do is run Jr in the ground let's find something good to say about some of the other drivers..... what do ya say???

Give me at least 3 reasons why you like a driver THAT ISN'T going to make the chase this year. (they don't have to be your favortie but just one that you like that doesn't get enough credit or media time!




  1. David Ragan

    1. Lots of potential

    2. Doesn&#039;t have a big ego

    3. Has the respect of his peers

  2. Petty

    1) His iconic name

    2) His enormous ability to care for kids with special needs

    3) His will not to give up


    Jesus still loves ya &quot;BOO yaKa&quot;



    Chill brotha&#039;

  3. Robby Gordon!

    Winter Glory, you said it best.  Especially the Big Wheel part...that&#039;s funny!  I&#039;d pay to see that!

  4. Okay, I am going to pick one that hasn&#039;t been chosen yet......

    Michael Waltrip......He just won&#039;t give up despite repeated bad finishes and or just plain bad luck. He has a great sense of humor and is sure to make anybody with their own good sense of humor smile. He always has something good to say about every driver on This Week in NASCAR. I really enjoy him as one of the co-hosts on there.

  5. Patrick Carpentier.....You gotta love this guys attitude about racing.....He races he *** off every week just to make the field and any time he is interviewed he is a class act

  6. You know what?  That is a very good idea!

    I like a few other drivers besides the very talented Jr.  I like Jeff Burton, Kasey Kahne, and Matt Kenseth.  They are all very good drivers and will race you clean without a lot of self absorbed egotistical stuff.  sorry I didn&#039;t follow your criteria I just like those drivers.

  7. Fisdst of all I vote for Fluffy&#039;s puppy as the cutest of all.  


    Elliot Sadler because he IS a great driver.  He&#039;s just had a real LOOOOOONG run of bad luck.  I really believe we will see him in Victory Lane. Heck that rained out 5th place finish at Loudon must&#039;ve felt like a win!!

    Robby Gordon...IF he can get to the front...he would be able to stay there.  I respect him for being a driver owner, how hard must that be???  And every week he is out there...full of hope and determination.  Now he has had two top 10&#039;s this season and one of those was 6th place at the daytona 500 so I know he can do it.

    Marcos Ambrose.  I love his smile and his accent best of all.  

    A seemingly down to earth fellow and like Juan and Dario just seem to struggle in NASCAR.  he&#039;s got it of the three.

  8. I agree whole- heartedly with Winter Glory..... Robby Gordon will race anything...... and he does it for the passion of it. and he does it with limited resources, as winter glory said. , and for my 3rd reason...... i dont see any other nascar drivers with the stones to run the baja...........

  9. I think you know who I am going to rave about.

    1. He is consistently running in the top 12 (I say this because he is not a top 10 driver just yet)

    2. He has the best off-track personality of any driver

    3. He has some of the coolest sponsors there are and being part of the fan club, they send me cool stuff.

  10. Wow.  Jason almost brought a tear to my eye.  LOL..  The good news is Dario says he&#039;s not going anywhere and is a NASCAR driver now.  I&#039;d love to see him succeed. As well with JPM and Patrick Carpentier.  They are such good guys.  Sorry if I&#039;m off base but I like what Jason had to say.  That was nice.

  11. Dario Franchitti - we KNOW he won&#039;t be making the chase.

    1. I respect his move to NASCAR and his desire to stay in NASCAR. He is the REIGNING IRL Champion and could have used that as leverage for a better deal or more money, but instead went out on a limb and decided to dive head-long into OUR sport.

    2. So it didn&#039;t work out - he gave it his best and ALWAYS had kind words and a smile.

    3. The Scottish accent. I frigging love it. He was very well-spoken, but there are some of those people who just make you stare blankly and go &quot;Now, wait, WHAT did he just say?&quot;

    ....why Thank You, Brother &#039;Bone. Long time no see &#039;round here.

  12. My driver I am picking is Travis Kvapil.

    1) He has done well with little to no sponsorship.

    2) He is a very clean driver.(no big ego)

    3) He gives it 110% every week.

  13. I think it&#039;s funny when people &quot;go off the deep end&quot;

    It just goes to show how whack society is.

    The only thing about these creeps and the ones who are institutionalized is, that these people haven&#039;t been detained yet. It&#039;s funny how they can justify their own psychosis.

  14. I&#039;d have to say, I like AJ Allmendinger, because:

    1) That silver 84 looks soooooooooo cool!

    2) His name is so much fun to say!

    3) He managed to race his way into the All-Star race... not too shabby!

  15. Can I vote for Kenny Wallace? I love that guy. He&#039;s so energetic. He&#039;s funny as heck, and he just seems so down to earth.

    I&#039;m going to second that Winter Glory chick (no offense) too. I would give you a thumbs up but I&#039;m just a newbie. I&#039;m not worthy! You have to love Robby Gordon&#039;s hate-hate relationship with Nascar.

    J, you would go with someone like Franchitti. Dude&#039;s alright, he just didn&#039;t get a fair shot this year with the economic woes and his accident at Talladega. Sure would like to see him come back.

  16. Juan Montoya because along with my boy Stewart, he&#039;s an old school crash &#039;em, bash &#039;em, tells it like it is, if you don&#039;t like it drive elsewhere kind of driver.

  17. Robby Gordon

    1) He&#039;s a pure racer at heart, give him a big-wheel, he&#039;d race it

    2) He&#039;s not afraid to stand up to the &quot;powers that be&quot; in nascar

    3) I have a tremendous amount of respect for what he&#039;s accomplished given the limited resources he has.

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