
Nassau County Police Department Recruitment?

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I'm 14 and my dream is to be a Police Officer for Nassau County. I currently live in the county and I'm drawn whenever I see a cop car going down the street. I wanted someone who currently works for the NCPD to tell me what the jobs like and about the academy for after the entry test. How hard/easy is the test? Whats it like? What shape do I have to be in for the Academy? Thanks




  1. Justin, Nassau County cops are way overpaid as a result of the (unsuccessful) last ditch effort of the Republicans to keep their 40 year long grip on power in Nassau. Because of this, NYPD cops with years and years of experience have been clamoring to cross over to NCPD. Many are successful. But getting into NCPD fresh is nearly impossible. You'll likely have to take a job in the City at $35,000 before you have a shot at a Nassau County job for $100,000.


  3. I'm not from that area of the country but this is their web site with requirements.

    As you can see you need 32 semester hours of college. That is about the average for most police departments in the country. They would like you to have a bachelors in almost anything but the AA is good enough. You can get that level of education from your community colleges and any AP courses you take in high school.

    I know that their pay is very good for the area. A lot of NYPD officers regularly move over to that county for the money and a chance to live somewhere cheaper were the schools are better.

    You need to be in good shape. There are a lot of physical components to the academy and to being a cop in general.

    When you apply they will give you the specific physical requirements, if any, to get on the job. That will give you time to train for those specifics. In general for most departments the hardest parts are that you have to run and 8 minute mile for at least 1.5 miles and have enough upper body strength to pull yourself over a 6 or 8 foot wall (no toe holds like a fence) in less then 30 seconds.

    Can't tell you what police work is like because I would need more room than an encyclopedia.

    For me it was the most wonderful public service job in the world.

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