
Nasty gossips what would you do ?

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my brother has a friend theyve been friends for years, this guy is a terrible gossip, now he is running down my family members to my face, we are having our share of problems lately, im just getting more angry an dont want him in my home




  1. Why don't you tell him to shut his stupid mouth and keep his nose out of other people's business?

  2. Cheeky b*****d.  Running down your family in front of you!!!  My house is a home for friends and family, its not big and it's lived in.  What I'm trying to say is how could this person be a friend.  You have the decency to invite into your home and he slags you and your family off!! I'd show him the door then put his head through it"!!!

  3. tell your brother to get his annoying friend away

    from your house tell your brother the truth

    tell that stupid guy to shut up  

  4. I bet your angry, it sounds like he deserves a good smack obviously violence though is probably something your not prepeared to do unless he pushes you far enough, which to me it sounds like you could explode any minute. Tell him "please dont say anything about my family i really dont like it" if he carrys on tell your brother, your brother should be telling him if he is his "friend", if that dont buck his ideas up then tell the rest of your family i'm sure they'l act once they know he's been slagging them off.

  5. dont get angry just tell him politly to GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY.

  6. tell him to get lost!!

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