
Nasty messages in my truth box?

by  |  earlier

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i got really really perverted sick messages in my truth box (anonymous message thing) on myspace. it said all these sick sexual things, and has me a little nervous for my safety. it has to be someone on my friends list,because it says stuff about post a bulletin about this i want everyone to know. but idk who? do you think it could just be some kid messing with me?




  1. if you have like, random people added, then it could be anyone with any kinda intent

    but if it's all people you know, then you know them well enough to tell yourself

  2. Internet and kids dont mix, best to get off line for a year, kids can do some horrible things on line but not to a face but you never know.. go out side and play, make some new friends, get a LIFE!!!  

  3. I think the best thing to do is remove it or try to figure out who did it.i think someone is playing a prank on you or being real gross.

  4. You're the one that put that feature on your page, take it off if you're getting creeped out. It's obviously someone messing with you.  Looks like you couldn't handle the "truth".

  5. If you've added random people, then I would take the Truth Box off, or delete your MySpace for a few weeks and make a new one.

    If you've only added people you know, then someone's just messing with you. I doubt anyone's serious about it if they're all your age. I would just ignore it. If you don't do anything about it, they'll get bored and stop.

  6. Delte your myspace and make a new one.

    Or if you dont want to do that at leaste delete all of the people you dont know off your myspace.. its dangerous to have strangers on there.

    Also its probably best to just delete truthbox all together.

    Good luck =]

  7. you should make your profile for only your myspace friends 2 send you messages. it was probably someone stupid that has to much time in his hand and was bored.

  8. It's anonymous honey...there are always people that will take advantage of that..Delete the messages and the "Truth" Box...You're just asking for trouble if you have it on your Myspace...

  9. trust me someone is totally just messing with you and you have nothing tro worry about.

    just ask your friends if it was/is them and if so then obviously you have nothing to fear.

    but in my strong opinon i believe that its just lyk a prank call except that you cant trace the phone line.

  10. well the best bet is to remove the truth box completely

  11. Seriously why does everyone let myspace control their life? Ew lame.

    Kay seriously..its called myspace drama. That is what happens when you have a myspace. Get over it. And if you can't...then delete your myspace...problem solved.  

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