
Nasty skin condition... what could this be?????

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I have a 3 month old boy...

He had a continuous problem w/ his skin. He gets dry red skin in all the creases of his body... his little belly and limbs sometimes get splotchy and his skin is a little rough to the touch. On his head and behind his ears, specifically, he gets the worse scaley, dry skin... when scrubed or picked off... the skin underneath is like somewhat wet like or sticky and it has this strange odor to it... strangly enough... i had something like this happen to the skin behind my ears 5 or so years ago and i swear to you, no one could tell me exactly what this was...

Anyone know what I mean?? Any suggestions...

BTW, yes I've called his Dr... more than once... the Dr suggestion was to use baby oil on the head w/ broke him out horribly.. called Dr. back, stated to get moisturel lotion... havn't tried this yet...

I've also tried Aveeno soothing naturals... used it last night as a matter of fact and now it's looking like this....

plzzzzzzzzzz help!

What is this!




  1. It sounds like psoriasis. See a dermatologist not a regular GP. If it is... it's not contagious or life threatening. It's his skin cells reproducing every 3 days instead of 28 days. It is very itchy and uncomfortable.

  2. try to use cetaphil cream on your baby--you can buy it at wal-mart or wal-greens

  3. I would suggest taking him in to see the Dr instead of just calling him. I suspect it may be a case of infantile eczema with an underlying staph-like infection in the places where the skin underneath is sticky and smelly. Sometimes little ones are allergic to something that triggers their skin symptoms (something in their formula, or something you eat if you are breastfeeding). You might ask your Doctor about this, and if you aren't satisfied with the answer, look for a new doctor!. I can't imagine this is fun for a 3 month old, or his mommy!

  4. My son had a big problem with this... the doctors couldn't find anything and wanted to give him steroid creams... Well I tried this miracle stuff... It's called Aquaphor.. it's made by Eucerin lotion.. you can find it in the lotoion aisle of your store.. The best one is the one that comes in a jar... Try it ... it will fix the problem almost instantly... This stuff is natural and works so good for so many different things.. I promise you will love it.. I pasted a link below so you could see the product.. please try it...

  5. It sounds a lot like Eczema to me. My brother and I both have it. I have to use certain soaps and have prescription lotion I use every night. I would see a Dermatologist (a Dr. who specializes in skin problems). That is how I finally had mine diagnosed correctly. My family Doctor was not really that helpful.

    See the link for more info.

  6. It's eczema. My son gets it so bad that his skin just peels off. Use the Aveeno Oatmeal bath in his bath and Cetaphil wash for his body. Apply cetaphil cream to his body after a bath. Don't put anything on him that isn't 100 % cotton and wash everyone's clothes in Cheer Free. Don't let anyone hold him with perfume or their clothes not washed in that detergent he will break out. Also if you put him on the floor put him on a sheet or blanket. No carpet. The chlorine in the pool has done wonders for our son! Also if he has it on his head, our dermatologist told us to use selsun blue.

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