
Natal chart placements and personal aura...Is there an association?

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Have you found that some or all of your chart placements influence your aura and, if yes, how so?

Do you only check the planets which make aspects with your ASC ( or MC) or is there more to it than just the way you *appear* to others?




  1. I do not think so depends on your circumstances at the time.

    I had a Kirlian photograph of me several years ago...I think most was orange but had some other spots too.

    If you are angry and depressed is going to show..

    And maybe the next day if you receive good is going to be completely different.

    A bit like having PMS or a bad hair day.

    I do not think anything is set in stone forever..

    The aura depends on your intentions and your well-being at the time.

    Mind you I have never seen an aura myself.....auras are the vibs you transmit they are bound to change all the time I would say.

    Sure auras might be linked to your astro profile.......and show the way you feel at the time/ day/ month.

    But I more optimistic...

  2. Besides the ASC & MC, I think the third house has a lot to do with personal aura since it is partly responsible for the manner in which we express ourselves.  Yes, and the moon - we cannot separate out the emotional aspect of our lives into a compartment because it is so much a part of who we are. Whether we consciously recognize our emotions or not, subconsciously, it is always there for the world to see and feel.

  3. Morning, Eliza:) It's good to see you around so much these days!

    I have to say that I really don't know for sure, but it seems to make sense to me since our auras change with our moods that whatever planetary placements are being expressed by our behaviour are going to be reflected in our auras. So, if you're angry and expressing Mars, there's going to be red in your aura, for example.

    It's a good question, and as I said, I really couldn't say for certain one way or the other, so am looking forward to seeing what other people have to say as well.  

  4. Hello Eliza!

    I think that placement has a lot to do with it. Also, what energy you throw out there for the world to see. I think Astrology definitely is a part of it. However, we make up the other half. I have done quite a few Aura photos and if I set my mind to it I can make my Aura nothing but white light, sent down to me from the universe. Plus, have you ever just walked by someone and felt their aura. Sometimes it sends me running. Lol. Great question!

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