
Nation facing oil crisis, is there no long term solution?

by Guest65453  |  earlier

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Nowadays, some nations facing Oil crisis, mine nation too.I wasted several hours on queue to fill oil for my bike on petrol pump. There're numerous vehicles queueing up hours and hours per day wating for their turn.If luck is good, then got oil that day otherwise keep on queueing till your turn.Government hiked oil price but still oil crisis remain ? When do we get oil easily ?I'm think about why not I should a buy a cycle ?Is there no long term solution ?




  1. there will be a solution only when anyone discover vehicles run by air. but nowadays we are having electricity bikes ok this is the another remedy.

  2. going for alternate fuels is the only bio diesel and all

  3. My young friend, The sooner people realize that oil is not like trees that can grow again, replenish it self then  it may be realized that the oil crisis isn't just going to go away! When its gone it is gone! You do the math from this link and my question to you is how much longer is it going to last. Concider at current use one of the larger untapped US fields would only last about 175 days

  4. solar, wind, water.

  5. there is by going eco stop using fuel eating vehicles

  6. There's no long term solution because there was no long term crisis.

    If nations has put money into R&D during the 80's and 90's (like Brazill did), they wouldn't have the problem they're having right now.

  7. It's evergreen crise.....BUT...there's many  ways also 2 minimize it....that solar vehicles should b put in market...& at less rate...& 1 should b friend of enviornment..&  use private vehicles when needed....also 1 can use bicycle.......there r many ways BUT is just used in talks no one is truly doing it....

  8. there's no way in which u can solve the problem of oil crisis!!!!!!!!!only alternative is renewable and alternative sources of energy

  9. you know. i dont think the oil crisis will ever be solved. as the years go on there will be more demand because there will b more drivers around the world. more drivers more demand for oil.

  10. yaa its true that still there is no solution but as we r advanced in technology in future there must be a solution for this problem.we can still over come this problem if we start using renewable sourses instide of oil . is that ok..

  11. Oil crisis can not resolve atleast in our life time but because of high demand and low supply but we can shift in alternative solution like CNG and using more public transport. we can contribute in society through using cycle etc.

  12. To resolve acquire demolition experts  to demolish commercial airportsin large cities as well as the Jumbo Jets in them. Army Engineers   might be able to do this .  Miners as well as sometimes they handle explosives. This after evacuation of such airports and demolition of bulk of oil based cars on  city streets.

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