
National Carry Permit!?

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Every moralized citizen is Constitutionally allowed to wear, carry, and transport any gun(s) or firearm(s). Your carry permit was issued at birth! its your 2nd Amendment... thats our permit. What people need to start doing is just carry them, hundreds, thousands of people from each state needs to march down the street with the holstered guns. The majority overides the minority government. We will continue having our rights hacked away aslong as we continue to let them.

There is only 1 state in the entire nation that respects the rights of its citizens....atleast 90% Indiana

Rifles and

Shotguns Handguns

Permit to Purchase No No

Registration of Firearms No No

Licensing of Owners No No

Permit to Carry No Yes

If you truly care about your rights, flood the legislative sessions and tell them what we want.Zero gun restrictions




  1. 1.  There is no such thing as a "National Carry Permit" since the States have the right to control firearms within their borders.

    2.  You're wrong on the State if Indiana as being the least restrictive.  That title is shared by Vermont and Alaska.  Neither state has ANY laws restricting the rights to bear and carry arms or has a requirement to secure a permit before carrying a concealed firearm.

    3.  The Supreme Court has NEVER ruled that the 2nd Amendment confers an unrestricted right to bear arms.  That said, we may have a ruling on that exact issue sometime this year as they have taken up the case of that issue in DC.  How far reaching their ruling may be remains to be seen.

  2. just for the record, it is not a god given right to carry a gun... god never gave us that right, the Constitution did.

  3. I'm in no hurry to be a real life participant in the Road Warrior movies or turn our country into Bosnia during the 90's but I'm sure you'd love the opportunity to gun down a couple of people.

  4. You tell em baby and lets get all the states involved and give us our GOD given right to arm and protect ourselves like it is in the constitution!

  5. Let's not get carried away. It's true that we have a God-given right to arms. (Pami is dead wrong. Neither the Federalists nor the anti-Federalists thought the Constitution gave us rights. It simply limits the government.) Just as the right to free speech does not include slander, the right to bear arms is not absolute. That does not excuse some of the recent excesses, and I'm pretty sure any of the founder of our country would find the 1968 Gun Control Act abhorrent. Any reasonable reading of the intent of the second amendment's origin would make concealed carry permits superfluous, as Vermont has always asserted.

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