
National Enquirer Expose..Mrs Palins covering up for teen daugher?

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She could like so much sue if this is not true. Can she release the birth certificate to sue?




  1. she looks pretty pregnant right here in this picture down at the bottom and this picture was in march.

    i think it shows how desperate the democrats are to win this election and they will go great lengths to try to bring down a family. it is sick and truly low. and i hope she does nothing because she will be the bigger person in this whole thing.



  2. I thought libs did not believe the National Enquirer after they broke the John Edwards cheating on dying wife story.

  3. Don't believe a word they said. I remember reading an obviously made up story of John Edwards cheating on his wife, I mean c'mon! Oh wait...

  4. The also said last week the aliens endorsed obama...i must have missed that one on tv.

  5. I suppose it's possible, but one would think she has been thoroughly checked out.  It's hard to get a baby, and it's true origin, from those snoopy investigators.  But, if it is true, the lie will bite her in the butt!  I don't think it matters because I thing she and McCain will lose the election anyway.

  6. National Enquirer. Must be true then. Didn't she also adopt the boy that was raised by bats?

  7. they were right about edwards... hahaha

  8. liberals are so scared of palin they just watched the election go down the drain they will resort to any tatic to even attacking a woman. thwere's courage. pffft+

  9. consider your source the only thing I seen they are good for is MIB.

  10. The source of this nasty smear is Daily Kos which is spreading rumors that vile bloggers in their underwear dreamed up to terrorize a decent family.

    Are there no depths to which the radical left scumsuckers won't sink?

    Daily Kos put the rumors out there and then got all sanctimonious about how the issue to should be left to the National Inquirer, because, after all, they have such "fine investigative reporters."

    Yeah, sure.

    And then they opened up their discussion board to their haters.

    Their admonition was to leave it alone because surely the oh-so-pure lefties would get blamed for the smear.

    Gimme a break.

    If you don't want to be involved, don't participate in spreading obvious lies.

    Every decent person in America should be outraged at what the left is doing to Sarah Palin.

    Pure sexism.

    They never dared question Obama's experience.

    They would never have smeared him like this.  

  11. If I were you I would be very care full of something like what you are insinuating. That baby was diagnosed with downs in the second Tri mester and  it was in Sarah's body. There are medical records to prove that. Where did you get your info?

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