
National Hockey League Players Association looking to move forward on Labour Deal talks -NHL Update

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National Hockey League Players Association looking to move forward on Labour Deal talks -NHL Update
It seems like the National Hockey League (NHL) and NHL Players’ Association are on the edge now more than ever, especially the labour union as they are pushing everything in order to continue talking on a new collective bargaining agreement (CBA), in order
to save the regular season from being completely locked out.
The last time both stakeholders sat down was on Sunday, in which the two top executives from both sides managed to negotiate and come up with a platform to bring them back. With NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and NHLPA executive director Donald Fehr sitting
without a huge team of negotiators, players are now wanting to get back at talking and according to the, it could be as soon as Wednesday.
Some insiders according to different sources, have confirmed that talks will eventually kick off on Wednesday or by Thursday at the latest, but the last time everyone sat down together, the meeting could barely last two hours before they lost control and
left the building without getting anything significant done.
"My guess is you've got about 10 teams that are pretty nervous right now," said a league insider, according to the "But (Bettman) has the power of the executive committee behind him."
A lot of players are also getting to the point of no return as most leave with a season long deal to their name, while others remain in North America to continue being an active part of the negotiating process.
"It doesn't make any sense to me that eight teams can control the fate of 22 other ones," San Jose Sharks defenseman, Dan Boyle said, while talking to CSN Bay Area. "When players make comments, sometimes it's directed towards 30 owners, but a lot of us feel
that it's not across the board. It's a certain group of teams that are controlling 30 others."
There is no telling when a real labour deal could come into play and how long that will take, but all stakeholders are hopeful it will be soon, soon enough to save the regular season from total disaster.



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