
National Honor Society??

by  |  earlier

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I am applying for the NHS and have to write about myself, my strengths and personal ideas. Does anyone have any good advice of what else I should write about to make my application unique. I would also appreciate an answer describing how it should be written and what a good first sentence would be. Thank you in advance.




  1. I'm in the NHS, and if I remember right I didn't have to write anything too amazing, but maybe your school is bigger than mine. If you've got good grades just remind them (briefly) of that and be sure to tell them how much you love hard work and it would be a dream come true to be in a group of ppl who love hard work as much as you. That's all I'm going to give you though, because if you can't think of some of your own stuff then you don't deserve to get in :)

  2. The best way to make your application unique is to find things about yourself or things that you do that isn't common.

    1.) Do you know another language?

    2.) Have you volunteered for something/tutored?

    3.) Do you have a hidden talent?

    4.) Are you more than all books i.e. academics, sports, clubs, job, etc.? Showing a plethora of differing activities show that you manage time.

    5.) Have you won any awards in academic competitions outside of your studies?

    6.) Did you go abroad? How has this experience change your views of the world and how you should approach/academics?

    7.) Use a grandiloquence of words in your application (i.e. a good variety and not simple elementary ones).

    8.) Watch your sentence structure. If you can't write well, you're already at a disadvantage.

    9.) How might you implement your ideas for the betterment of mankind on either a personal level or a on a wider scale?

    10.) Keep a separate thought per paragraph whilst maintaining a logical flow from one to the next.

    11.) A good first sentence could be: "There are a multitude of attributes about me which prove my qualification both for the National Honor Society and show that I'm a well-rounded human being with aspirations to be a role model."

    This sentence may be a little verbose depending upon who reads it, but it gives you an idea. You must show that you're unique, and your intent to show it in that first sentence. In the beginning sentence of any written work, you must entice the reader to read on and wonder.

    I don't know how long it should be for your school, but don't keep your reader there too long. Use both your own discretion and ask some people to read it beforehand.

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