
National Insurance Number/Job Training Day.?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, later today i have an induction/training day at work. I'm supposed to bring my passport, N.I number and bank statement.

Trouble is, i can't find my National Insurance card - i've got the number already written down in my address book though. If i still don't have any luck finding it, would it be suitable to just write the number of a piece of paper and take it with me?




  1. Yes writing it down on a piece of paper will be fine.  Some people don't have a NH card - like me.  They will ask you to either fill out a form with the number or take it from you and put it on any necessary forms.  

    Anyway, if you don't have it, they will be able to find it out for you so don't worry as you having it will save them time.  

    Good luck

  2. Probs to late to answer now but -

    But yeah thats fine my boyfriend done that before, I think you just need it to fill out a form they dont necessarily (the word i nearly always spell wrong! - googled it!) need it, they just need the number not the card,

    Hope I helped!

    KTE x

  3. hmm they only ask for it to obtain the number so as long as you give them that its fine... but dont lose it!

  4. All that matters is that you have the correct N I number but i must admit it is abit careless losing something so important such as your N I card which may come in important use for the future-you must still find it! Anyway write it down and keep it safely in a zip pocket or woman's handbag and then rip it up into pieces when you discard it away.

    Good luck on the job.

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