
National Young Scholars Program? I'm already accepted. HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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OK, im already "in" for the NYSP. (im already going) but like in the camps b4 that ive gone 2 ur supposed 2 bring ur own sheets, but the brochure thing doesnt say nething about that. Has nebody gone and know if ur supposed 2 bring ur own sheets?

Ps: Im worried everybody there will be a "nerd" there (im soooo the opposite, really girly and hate skool and studying, idk y i was even accepted/ nominated) is everybody nerdy and dorky, or pretty normal?




  1. The link below is FAQ from the National Young Scholars Program which will answer most of your question:

    As to accommodations I found the following:

    Each scholar’s room has linens and towels (but extra towels and blankets are recommended) and a shared bathroom. Scholars must bring a calling card or ‘800’ number to make long distance calls. Cell phones are permitted. It is recommended to bring a fan as not all scholar rooms have air conditioning.

    There is a special link for enrolled student to contact the Program for any additional assistance.  Just click the link above to take you there.

    Good luck and enjoy your special opportunity!

  2. call the 800 number in the brochure and get your questions answered.

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