
National badger cull....?

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Is needed as part of a strategy to eradicate TB but will we ever get it? I know that killing tens of thousands of cattle at huge cost to taxpayer each year is not a bright idea.Obviously people like badgers more than cows.Opinions please..




  1. And if cattle supply is lowered it could affect prices, since the demand is somehwaht inelastic in nature. Conversely, the use of alterantives to beef production could be supplanted from soy beans or other legumes.

  2. Below is a report I had found some time back for another question. The results in short are that one has to keep actively going after them year after year to get some slight reduction in infection. Problem there is once you clean up an area the badger will drift back in and they will spread the disease faster between themselves as they fight over the territory and mating. That's why all the work shows limited results. One TB is in the herd then the badger is just a way to take out your frustration, and they may not have actually been the cause. Lax testing when all energies were diverted to the hoof and mouth problem is partly to blame and that equates to the old time problem of not enough feet on the ground with not enough money in the pockets to do a good job. So, you need to keep them out as much as cull and that is also a lot of money. Then, the TB can go to another animal vector so the badger can still be a waste and drain of resource. Your fences, electric is best, and your vigilance as well as continued culling will help but not prevent. This is the perennial problem of all mono cultures, plants as well as animals, as well as huge human populations. When you have a huge population of anything and they are close, nature allows for disease and pests because of the nature of life on earth and the filling of all niches, natural and human made. We can only hope for a quality vaccination in the future.

  3. I don't think we have the right. What if we suddenly found out that humans carried a deadly disease that threatened badgers? Would the government order a mass cull on humans? Exactly.

  4. The link between TB and badgers is anecdotal and unproven.

    If it was true, some form of cull might make some sort of sense - but until it's proven, lay off the badgers.

  5. This is an urban myth that TB is caused by badgers. It makes me upset when intelligent people spread stupid rumours about diseases and their origins.  Just look at what Obama's reverend is saying about AIDS--plain hogwash!

    . Have you checked out the Centre for Disease Control website?  They will give you all of the information that you will need to find out about this disease, which mainly is  being reported in " under developed" countries--places where they do not have proper hygiene etc.

    It is spread by a mycobacterium from the soil.

  6. No!  What gives humans the right to Cull badgers?  Its disgusting...    its not their fault about the disease, poor things...   the farmers should immunise their cattle.

  7. Has it been properly proven that badgers are the carriers?  I don't think it has.  They'll be saying they are an endangered species soon.

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