
National guard info please!?

by  |  earlier

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is it dangerous? how much do they pay? how long is basic training? any other helpful info please. thanks.




  1. The military in general can be dangerous, but most jobs in the military will never see combat whatsoever. The Air Guard has been good to me and I really enjoy being in. My wife is also in the Air National Guard and if you want more info, email me through my profile and I will hook you up.

    AF basic will be 8.5 weeks beginning 1 NOV this year.

  2. (Just got out of the Army National Guard) Anything to do with the Military can be dangerous, however, certain jobs are more dangerous then others. Don't let a recruiter force you to do what you don't want to. Choose a job that you can use as a good civilian job. I agree that the Air Guard is alittle more safe. They only go overseas for 6 months.(Army Guard-13 months) Your pay depends on your rank. Basic is about 12 weeks. Goodluck

  3. Air Guard is the best choice.  It is associated with the Air Force.

    As with any guard unit it can be activated, so it can become dangerous.  However, the Army Guard is usually activated first.  Basic training is the same as active duty.  After basic you go to a training school, which can last from a couple of months to a year.  It just depends on your job choice.  All guards have the one weekend a month/two weeks a year plan.  

    Go talk to a recruiter.

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