
National lattory is it a fake lottery did anyone get 50,000.00 or lose money?

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National lattory is it a fake lottery did anyone get 50,000.00 or lose money?




  1. There is no such thing as a national lattory, or lottery, either. The only way you will lose money is when you fall for this junk and send them your "fee" to get prize money back. Anyone who falls for that line needs to get a life.

  2. It's rubbish. Basically, no one ever wins, although theoretically it is possible (as is the idea of chimps typing up Shakespeare on a comp.), but it's a con which makes people lust over the chance of winning such a great sum. The probability is so low, it's really just playing on people's greed.

  3. No such think as a national lottery!! Megamillions and powerball are about as close as you can get to "national"!!

    P.S. Think about it, why would a national lottery only be worth 50,000 insetad of milions upon millions??

  4. fake.

  5. It's a scam, will probaly try to get moeny from you some way or another. Just delete or block their emails. I get about 5 different ones a day.

  6. The National Lottery in the UK is not fake, it is real, and pays out millions in prizes all the time.

    But if you get some email it is not from them, it is an online scam.

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