In the US presidential campaign, BHO is receiving some criticism because he has not served in the military, while McCain has. Bill Clinton was criticized for this, too. Similarly, George W. Bush and Dan Quayle were called "wimps" for their National Guard service, but not serving in Vietnam. The criticisms include that they were not willing to serve in the military but would have the power to send troops to their death. Would these criticisms been leveled at Hillary, had she won the Democratic presidential nomination? They were not leveled at Geraldine Ferraro when she was a VP candidate. In England, Margaret Thatcher was a "strong woman and leader" for exercising her nations military powers and sending young men to their deaths in the Falkland Island war. Quayle, Bill Clinton, and GWB were called "wimps" for not serving in the military; Margaret Thatcher was called "strong." Why is this? (Remember: In the US only men have to register for the draft.)