
Native Spanish speaker?

by  |  earlier

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were going to spain with my class this october but we don't study spanish in our school. i have some phrases in english please type them in spanish.

I'd prefer a native spanish speaker from Spain but it doesn't really matter just state what kind of spanish you speak. thanks :)

-who are you

-where is the toilet

-nice / pleased to meet you

-can you speak english

-how much is this / that

hello is "hola" and thanks is "gracies" right?

thanks again




  1. Oh after you say muchograzias you can say

    Usted huele como niños

    As being polite it's sort of like saying I appreciate that

  2. -who are you   ¿Quién eres?

    -where is the toilet  ÃƒÂ‚¿Dónde está el baño?

    -nice / pleased to meet you  Mucho gusto/un placer conocerte

    -can you speak english   ¿Puedes hablar inglés?/¿Hablas inglés?

    -how much is this / that  ÃƒÂ‚¿Cuánto es esto/eso?/¿Cuánto cuesta?

    hello is "hola" and thanks is "GRACIAS" :)  

  3. Who are you-Quien es usted?

    Where is the toilet- Donde esta el inodoro/ but is better to say donde esta el baño.

    Nice/pleased to meet you- Bonito/un placer en conocerlo/a

    Can you speak English-Sabe hablar Ingles?

    How much is this? Cuanto vale esto?


  4. Wrong!  Hola is correct but thanks is "graciAs" not "graciEs".

    Quien es Usted?

    Donde esta el baño publico [public bathroom]?

    [Note, font doesn't allow me to use the upside down question mark that Spanish uses in front of questions.]

    Es un placer encontrar a Usted. [It's a pleasure to meet you.]

    Habla Usted el Ingles? [or] la lingua Inglesa]?

    Cuantos cuestas?  

    And don't forget the groovier expressions.

    Cabrón = like shmuck in Yiddish, ******, b*****d, scumbag

    Cholo = sort of like "Homeboy"

    Here's some commentary ripped from the web

    definición o traducción de "cholo"


    No me arriesgaría a definirlo como "gang member", pero sé que muchas veces es eso lo que se quiere decir.

    En lo personal uso "pandillero" para "gang member", pero necesito una palabra en inglés para "cholo".


    Hijo de perra o Hijo de p**a = Son of *****

    Chingó a tu madre = I shagged your Mama

    Pendejo = idiot, blockhead, shlemiel

    Now you are ready for anything

  5. -Who are you?, "¿Quién eres?" (kee-EN EH-res)

    -Where is the toilet?, "¿Dónde está el baño? (DON-deh es-TUH EL BUH-nyo)

    -Nice to meet you, "Encantado", ("encantada" if you are a girl) (EN-kun-TUH-doh/duh)

    -Can you speak English?, "¿Hablas inglés?", but if it's an old person better say "¿Habla inglés?" (UH, blus een-GLES)

    -How much is this?, "¿Cuánto cuesta?" (koo-UN-to koo-ES-tuh)

    You can also say "adiós" (bye), "gracias"(you spelled it wrong), "por favor" (please), "perdón" (I'm sorry)

  6. your sentences are:

    quién eres? (it sounds very bad, don't u mind "what is your name" is better?) còmo te llamas?

    dònde està el baño?

    sabes hablar inglés?

    cuànto cuesta esto?

    Thanks is gracias!!!

    I'm italian, I study foreign languages (Spanish of Spain, and American-english).

    I think I'm quite good at already-said subjects that I can assure you that everything is correct!!

    I speak and write Spanish much better than English because it is more similar to italian


  7. -who are you = ¿Quién eres? (If you want to ask the name then you say: ¿Cómo te llamas?)

    -where is the toilet = ¿Dónde está el servicio/cuarto de baño?

    -nice / pleased to meet you = Encantad@ (o = boy and a = girl) de conocerTe. (with T informal (Te = Tú) with L formal (Le = usted))

    -can you speak english = ¿Hablas inglés?

    -how much is this / that = ¿Cuánto vale? or ¿Qué vale?

    Yeah! Hello is hola but thanks is gracias with a.


  8. -who are you - Quien es/Quien eres

    -where is the toilet - Donde estan los aseos/Donde esta el bano

    -can you speak english - Habla Ingles

    -how much is this / that - Cuantas/Cuantos

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