
Native american contributions?

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the greeks, arabs, chinese, and many other ancient civilizations contributed alot of things to modern society, what did the native americans contribute?




  1. They taught Hair Club for Men haw to scalp people, but Hair Club figured out how to glue the scalp on by themselves.

  2. Cool blanket patterns and painted horses... they had to paint the stolen horse or get caught. They didn't even have the WHEEL! Talk about a stone age culture.  

  3. The constitution of the Iroquois Confederation was the inspiration for the Act of Union. The Act of Union was the inspiration for the US Constitution.

    Is that significant enough to meet with your approval?

  4. Native Americans of North, Meso, and South America were the first to cultivate 75% of the varities of food grown in the world today.

    Corn was cultivated by Native people for thousands of years. Today it is grown all around the world.

    Popcorn, peanuts and maple syrup, Native American inventions; original ingreadiants used in Cracker Jacks.

    Frozen Food - Clarence Birdseye offers quick-frozen foods to the public. He got the idea during fur-trapping expeditions to Labrador in 1912 and 1916, where he saw the natives use freezing to preserve foods.

    Freeze-dried food - The Inca of Peru used to preserve potatoes using a freeze-dry process. They put them on mountain terraces, and the solar radiation and extremely cold temperatures created a freeze-dried product that lasted indefinitely.

    Beef Jerky - Native Americans used this method to cure meat for many thousands of years.

    Rootbeer - Native Americans made Root beer from Sassafras.

    Wild rice a cereal grain

    Chocolate - was given to the world by the Aztecs, Mayans, and Central American tribes

    Vanilla - was used by the Aztecs to flavor their chocolate drinks

    Chewing Gum - Spruce resin was used to quench thirst, and also as a medicine. South and Central American Indians collected chicle from the Sapodilla tree to make gum.

    Many pharmaceuticals in current use were first discovered by Indian healers centuries before the Europeans came to the Americas.

    The active ingredient in pain relievers such as Aspirin was known to Native people for centuries.

    Pine trees were used to make a tea that helped relieve coughs. Many cough syrups today use the same ingredient.

    A tea made with the whole blackberry plant was used to treat sicknesses such as dysentery, cholera and upset stomach.

    Native people shared their cure for scurvy with Europeans. The bark and needles of the hemlock or pine tree are boiled to make a vitamin C tonic.

    Native people used olefin hydrocarbons and methane to make petroleum jelly, and used it to hydrate and protect animal and human skin.

    Goggles - Northern Native people developed bone, antler and ivory goggles to prevent blinding snow glare while they hunted.

    Lacrosse - a team sport invented by Native people. Many believe it is the fore-runner to hockey.

    Canoe & kayak - Today the canoe and kayak are used throughout the world.

    Some other inventions:




    Rubber - rubberized clothing



    The Iroquois played a key role in the evolution of American democracy.

    Morgan likened the federalism of the Iroquois to that of the newly united British colonies: "The [six] nations sustained nearly the same relation to the [Iroquois] league that the American states bear to the Union. In the former, several oligarchies were contained within one, in the same manner as in the latter, several republics are embraced in one republic." Morgan also noted checks and balances in the Iroquoian system that acted to prevent concentration of power: "Their whole civil policy was averse to the concentration of power in the hands of any single individual, but inclined to the opposite principle of division among a number of equals.



  5. Many different things originated in the Americas including such things as:

    Chewing gum



    Maize -

    Vanilla –

    Hair Conditioners - A hair conditioner is a treatment placed on the hair after it has been washed. Pre-Columbian Indians used hair conditioners for the same reasons people use them today — to add shine to the hair, make it more manageable, and relieve dryness. They also used botanical hair conditioners to relieve scalp itch and as a dandruff treatment.

    Harpoons - A harpoon is a spearlike weapon that is used to hunt whales, seals, and walrus. Indigenous Americans, from Alaska to Greenland, hunted with sophisticated harpoon points that detached from the shaft while remaining fastened to a hand- held line. The shafts were made in sections that connected with a flexible joint, preventing them from breaking. This was an important consideration given the scarcity of wood in the Arctic. Although people from other parts of the world used harpoons, theirs did not have detachable points.

    Parkas - Parkas — loose-fitting, hooded jackets — were invented by the Inuit people who lived near the Arctic Circle.

    Welding - Welding is the process of joining metals together through the application of heat. Long before contact with Europeans, the Chavin, whose culture arose in the Andes in about 1000 B.C. invented welding. Their invention is referred to as sweat welding. They used this technique to produce three-dimensional objects of silver and gold The ancient Chavin metalsmiths learned that by placing the edges of metals together and applying high heat, they melted together. An interesting aspect of this invention was that placing two metals together caused the melting point of the metal with higher melting point to be lowered. This allowed these metal workers to work with PLATINUM, which has a melting point much higher than any precontact furnace was capable of producing. These ancient Andean metalsmiths also discovered how to join metal by SOLDERING, crimping, stapling, and by using interlocking tabs.

    However, using the cultural structure of the Iroquois Confederation as the foundation for what would eventually become the Constitution of the United States is a nice myth but not the source of the Constitution.  

    Besides the fact that the Iroquois Confederation was founded in a matriarchal society, the Founders of the United States were well schooled in Old English Common Law which has over three thousand years of development originating in Celtic Village law and enhanced by Saxon Village Law and was first formalized in Magna Carta of 1215.  

    The Founders were also well aware of the governmental development of the Greeks and Romans and most had reference books written by Locke and Smith and certainly Montesquieu.  Government within the United States is of English origin.

    It should also be noted that some of the American Indian culture did have the wheel but only used it in toys.

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