
Natural Birth and pregnant? questions...?

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My boyfriend has gotten off in me 4 times since my last period, and I am usually on my period every 23 or 25 days. It has now been 30 days. I have been super nautious, but haven't thrown up. I've almost passed out because I've been so lightheaded and I've been really hungry, but when I go to get something to eat, I don't want to eat anymore. I haven't had time to go get a pregnancy test, but it sound like I am, doesn't it? Also, I was thinking that if I am, has anyone gone through a pregnancy without seeing a doctor? I know it helps alot, but I had a friend who was pregnant about 10 years ago and the doctors told her her baby was sick, and around the 8th month, something made her loose her baby because they were doing a bunch of tests on her, and a couple of years ago, she got pregnant again, and the doctors in a different hospital, and a different state told her the same things, and she didn't want to loose her 2nd baby, so she spent the 2nd half of her pregnancy alone and didn't see one doctor and ended up giving birth to a perfectly healthy baby on her bathroom floor, but I mean she did see doctors for the first half. and if you gave birth naturally, would you use drugs your second time around? Is it worth it to have a natural birth? I told you there was a lot of questions. I've just had those questions on my mind and wanted to especially see if anyone else had a natural pregnancy.




  1. "My boyfriend has gotten off in me 4 times since my last period...."

    Sounds romantic.

  2. it sucks that nobody could give u a real answer....

    but u should find out whether or not ur prego first.... before i found out i just felt different ya kno..and my period was late...and when i had s*x id feel the most painful cramps ever[turns out my uterus was stretching]... but i went to the health dept. they confirmed i was prego. n i went again n i heard my babys heartbeat :) they said that was at 8wks but i stopped goin there cuz the ppl were so rude... im 5 1/2 months prego now[according to what they told me before] and still havent seen a doctor... i feel fine and feel it kickin everyday like clockwork so i dunno... i figure back in the old days there werent doctors n hospitals n ppl have been having babies for thousands of years ya kno... good luck

  3. I have 3 kids and had them all differently. With #1 it was all natural, no pain meds at all. With #2 I had an epidural and with #3 I had an emergency c-section. I would get the epidural again in a heartbeat. It made the whole experience so much better because I wasn't in so much pain and could enjoy it.

    To answer your question about seeing a doc...if I hadn't been in a hospital when my third was born we would both be dead. Your friend had bad experiences but not all docs are like that. Even if you saw a midwife instead of a ob/gyn at least she would know what's normal and what to do if there's trouble.

    I really think you need to get a test. It seems early for nausea but everyone is different. good luck - if you are pregnant I hope you're happy about it. They change your life but it is soooo worth it.  

  4. Honestly you should see a midwife if you are interested in the natural birthing process.  There are routine tests that a Dr will do (blood tests to check for STDs and genetic disorders) and tests to make sure that when the baby is born, that it will not be exposed to anything during the birthing process that could make it ill.  Alot of people choose to have a natural homebirth, but they have to be healthy to do this, make sure there are no blood pressure issues, and make sure that the baby is growing properly.  I would take a pregnancy test and if it shows up positive look for a midwife.  You will not recieve as much medical intervention as you would with an obstetrician, you will be given the option to birth at home or a birthing center, in water, or in any other position you feel comfortable in, and they do not give you drugs for pain in labor. There are so many things that could go wrong in a pregnancy to not be seen by someone with a medical background or someone with experience in delivering babies. Also if there is a medical procedure that a Dr. thinks is routine, you do have the right to decline it. Good luck with everything!

  5. You can give birth in a hospital naturally...I never used drugs while I was in labor with either of my children. And must see a doctor..I mean it can be done but it's not a good idea. My best friend never went to the doctor with her third child and when she ended up in labor they took her to the hospital and ran tests on her and she had STD's because her boyfriend had been cheating on her and she had this stuff her whole pregnancy. The doctor appointments are important because they can monitor you...with my first I had placenta privia so they had to constantly check me and my blood type is also Rh- so I had to get shots so my blood would be compatiable with my babies blood and not make me sick. You must go to the Doctor if you are pregnant but first find out if you are pregnant

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