
Natural Bug Repellants?

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Ok, so I always get eaten alive when I go out into the woods and am looking for something that will help at least reduce my problems. I'm looking for something that stays on for a long time, or a vitamin i can take to change my "scent."




  1. I am not sure if it is really true however if you up your intake of the b-complex, it may help.

  2. Lol.....Sorry no vitamins but you can eat less cheese because the bugs love Acidic blood so the more Alkaline your blood, the less they eat you! :-) Cheese acidifies your blood

    But........there are 2 essential oils you can mix (I use it all the time) together and spray on your skin when you go out in the wilderness or humid places..... T-tree oil & Lavender oil mix up 10-15 drops of each in a bit of water say 50 ml and spray it on you &  you'll be safe...

    You can get musquito repellent coils as well that are also helpful...

  3. Something with oil of Citronella....

  4. lemons

  5. Rub some of these plants on your skin or keep a pocket full.

    (They have to be damaged or crushed to repel the misquioes)

    Citronella Grass

    Citronella grass is, of course, where companies get the citronella oil. This oil is put in candles and lanterns that can be burned in your yard to repel mosquitoes. Citronella grass is actually a tropic plant that grows to be six feet tall, so it might not be practical in the average suburban backyard.


    Catnip is an herb that is most commonly used to stuff in toys or feed to cats for their enjoyment. However, the oil from this plant has actually been found to be more than ten times better at repelling mosquitoes than DEET. Planting this plant near your patio or deck will help repel mosquitoes.


    This garden herb also has an oil that repels mosquitoes. While they are attractive plants that both repel mosquitoes and can add interest to your cooking, they are truly tropical plants that are not hardy in cold climates. You can, however, grow rosemary in a pot and take it inside in the winter.


    Marigolds have a particular smell that many insects and humans find objectionable. They are a good plant for repelling mosquitoes as well as insects that can attack vegetable plants and aphids. Marigolds are annuals with bright flowers that range from lemon yellow to dark oranges and reds.

  6. "burts bees" makes natural bug repellent. but i discovered this oil called "pennyroyal oil" it works sooo good. i used it camping last weekend. all you need is a couple drops. it smells kinda like mint.

  7. neem will work

  8. A good repellent:

    1 oz rue oil

    1 oz rosemary oil

    1 oz basil oil

    1 oz wormwood oil

    Combine in small spray bottles.

  9. There's no better bug repellent than eating garlic on your

    food.  The only prolem with that is, NOT only will the bugs stay

    away from you but everyone else will too.

  10. Skin So Soft sold by Avon. Works very well, and it's oils not all those horrible chemicals.

  11. mosquitos dont like potassium.

    eat lots of bananas and drink lots of milk.

    even having banana skins around should keep them away.

    always worked wonders at family BBQs!

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