
Natural Homeopathic Throat gargle/spray etc?

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Is there something I can do at home? I want a gargle or spray that is made out of OTC items that are natural to numb my throat? Mixing Anbesol or Oragel with water and diluting it? Is this harmful? I need something that can be used often without adverse side effects. What did people do back in the old days for sore throats?




  1. useful spray for throat with propolise oil or calendula oil.

    or cook cammomile tea and rinse throat.

    drink warm vitamin C drinks,like fruit water natural,like squeezing,cooking.

    they are good diuretics and removes microbes,or viruse.

  2. the used unpasteurized honey and juice from a lemon to sooth the throat but will not numb it.

    Did the doctor do a culture, how long have you had this?

    IF I was stuck somewhere with out my homeopathic remedies I would make a nosode I  would use a swab of my throat and dilute it in water 99 drops of distilled water swirl it a little (this is in a one ounce dropper bottle), take out the swab and succuss (hit on a phone book) 100 times, dump the contents and add 99 drops and succuss 100 times.  Did this for my dogs kennel cough and takes over an hour to succuss and dump 30 times when I got  to the last one to make it 30  I filled the bottle 50% with distilled water and 20% vodka and succuss 30 times. (kept the dogs cough away for 3 or 4 hours at a time and speeds up healing) used  a drop and succussed between each dose, do not repeat dose till pain is just starting to come back (I waited till the dog cough to know it was time to dose again.

    Next time though get yourself a 50 or 100 remedy homeopathic kit and a homeopathic first aid guide book and you will have a LOT more choices on remedies to use for a sore throat, but I expect this one to also work :o)) just more effort.

  3. try soaking a tea spoonful of thyme in boiling water for about 5 minutes letting it fully diffuse then sip it slowly, thyme has a natural antiseptic ''Thymol'', which is the active ingredient in the Listerine mouth wash :P

    it shud help u with ur throat, and it'll give u a kick of spiciness ;)

    p.s. u can also let ur thyme drink cool, and the gargle with it

    3-4 times a day if u dont intend to drink it :P

  4. anbesol and oragel are not all natural products....there is anapestic spray...

    try hot water with salt and gargle...or take a shot or tequila that always help

  5. There is no gargle or spray of value in homeopathy.  Sore throat can always be treated quickly normally overnight by homeopathic remedies.  Hepar Sulph, Belladonna, Aconitum, Gelsemium, Rhus Tox, Spongia, Dulcamera, Merc Sol, Capsicum, Euphrasia, Phytolacca Dec., Sulphur, Apis Mellifica, Baryta Carb, Arsenic Alb. are few medicines which can be thought of.  Google "Boericke materia medica" for symptoms specific to you.

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