
Natural Liver/Colon Flush = Pain???

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Hi Hi - a friend of mine has a huge problem with her liver, so, she’s doing a *Natural* Liver/Colon Flush.

All the talking she did about it made me think, hey, why not? I must have a lot a junk in my colon too! That and it being all natural it could't hurt right? Wrong!

In fact, it starts with just drinking a glass of apple juice every hour - for the first day... Second day more apple juice, third day fasting and just apple juice then some magnesium sulfate before bed (and after a small salad) - (and yeah, you're supposed to p**p-a-lot too, lol - again, it’s colon and liver *Flush*)...

So, we started, and she’s all set, no problems, but me???


I’ve done the first 1.5 liter of all natural apple juice (over 16 hours)and my whole liver area - from front to back - is killing me!

What’s up with that, lol!




  1. My first question would be if you checked with a doctor to see if you had an obstruction of the bowel or bile ducts (as any liver cleanse should warn against). I can assume that it's not just gas (since it's been over the course of at least a few hours), although there is a slight possibility it might be something near your liver that happens to be in pain.

    If your liver is hurting that bad, though, it's entirely possible that you may have an obstruction in your liver and you need to stop taking the cleanse now and see a doctor ASAP.

    FWIW, I would just tell the doctor that your liver really hurts and you are concerned you may have a blockage or something... I wouldn't lead off with "I was taking a liver cleanse" because some doctors will just immediately roll their eyes and/or give you a lecture instead of trying to help you.

    Good luck!

  2. eating anything can be said to be "natural". Many ancient methods of medicine are still practiced today in new fashions. This includes hoax programs and/or wonder stuff.

    If it's causing you pain, and is not professionally treatment it's not good for you regardless of conspiracy on commercial suppressant of valid "natural" treatments being accurate or not.

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