
Natural Vegetarian Food for Quick Healing of Broken Bones?

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I am an Indian living in Hyderabad. I am at the Age of 60 years.

I had met with an Accident on 15-06-2008, resulting my leg was broken at TWO Places between Knee and Thie .

On 19-06-2008,Doctors in Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences at Hyderabad,India have inserted a Steel Rod by setting the Broken Bones.

Can any Body Suggest the NATURAL VEGETERIAN FOOD

for quick Healing of the Broken Bones.?




  1. You can eat lots of bananas and dairy products. They contain lot of calcium & pottasium essential for bones.

  2. hi

    Good morning

    drink coco nut water for 6 times in a day.


    visit http://yahoo.360/nk_ktg

  3. It will take 6 to 8 weeks or so for the bone to repair itself enough for you to start putting weight on it- new bone cells have to grow and then deposit bone.  Then it can take a month or two for you to complete the healing.

    Make sure you get enough protein, calcium and vitamin D.

    If you eat diary products - yogurt and skim milk

    If you do not eat dairy products, take calcium supplements.

    The link shows some X-rays of a similar break in a 55 year old man.  The break was in mid-January and he was walking with a cane by the end of March.

  4. This is not vegetarian but..

    Raw Milk with a daily dose of high vitamin cod liver oil.

    Raw Milk is extremely high in calcium, and CL Oil has the Vit D needed to help process the calcium.

    Pasteurized milk does not contain lactase[needed to digest lactose]. Pasteurized Milk and calcium supplements can not be as easily absorbed the body.

  5. Take `Nutrilite brand 1) Bone Health,2)cal-mag, and 3) Protien Powser,,these are not available in open market only its registered can have it at dicounted (whole-sale),price these are natural ,organic and willgive u faster  09999631811.  I can get it for U..

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