
Natural antideppresants?

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hi, i suffer from anxiety attacks, deppresion and insomnia. i'm currently on 5-10mg valium a night and efexor-xr trying to cut down from 75mg to half that then off it completly cos it's just wrecking me. I ADVISE NOT TO TAKE THIS DRUG, i have tried valerian and st john's wort, which doesn't quite seem to work it makes me abit jumpy, any suggestions?




  1. Valerian and St Johns wort are not for everyone. The latter in particular has to be avoided by many on prescription medication, including the BCP. One of the best natural ones on the market is Rhodiola rosea (arctic root). Its an adaptogen so helps the body meet the demands of stress, whether physical, mental, emotional or other. It has restorative and balancing effects. It won't interfere with prescription medication in case you need to take this and it may work quicker than St Johns wort in any case. Another alternative for depression and insomnia is Passiflora incarnata. You can find both in most large health stores. I would try Rhodiola first.

    Just don't take any herbal anti-depressants until you are fully off prescription medication as it is not 100% known how these herbals work and you may get a doubling up effect on a particular therapeutic pathway,  and that is potentially dangerous. Always consult a pharmacist first before taking herbal medicine if on prescription drugs because of some known herb-drug interactions with some herb-drug combinations. Homeopathic medicine is not known to have any such interactions.

    Avena sativa (oat straw) extract might help with insomnia. Sometimes anxiety and insomnia could be a symptom of a vitamin and/or mineral imbalance. Make sure you get enough B Complex vitamins as these are the anti-stress vitamins. make sure you get enough magnesium as this is the anti-stress mineral. A Magnesium/calcium combination tablet such as the relatively inexpensive dolomite may solve your anxiety and insomnia and is worth trying. Also consider Vitamin B Complex alongside this. I would actually opt to try these first so as to discount any such deficiencies. Then if these don't work you can try the herbs. You can also take these nutritional supplements alongside prescription medication.

    Hope this is of some help. Don't despair as there are many avenues to try. There is always a solution.

    Take care. Best wises.

  2. Try running and dark chocolate. Keep away from coffee and cigarettes.

  3. I suffer through the same c**p it sucks.  My mom is always telling me that I need to be on an Omega 3 supplement.  She swears by it. I know she is right cause whenever I crave tuna fish i have an episode shortly there after.

  4. Hi, I've suffered from panic attacks,depression, and insomnia for about 9 years. Tried paxil, welbutrin, prozac. I took myself off the prozac and then started reseaching.

    I found that to make plenty of serotonin (your mood stabilizing hormone) you need B6 and L-tryptophan. I started taking a B6 vitamin and a D vitamin (the sunshine vitamin) about a year ago and have never felt better. Because the B6 worked so well for me, I never tried L-tryptophan, though it's used to help regulate sleep cycles along with depression.

    I wouldn't try this until you're off of the efexxor and valium. It's not reccomended for those who are taking antidepressants.

    I feel more in control now. I don't have any deep, dark periods, I can face people, and now I'm in bed by midnight (before it was 4,5,6 a.m.).

    Also, go out and get some sun. Most depressed people spend too much time indoors. Just 15 minutes a day, no sunscreen.

  5. In Ayurvedic way of treatment for anxiety and depresion they term it as MANSIK-ROG  ie; disease connected wth mind.

       Various ready made preparations have been prescribed in ancient books and the meicines are available in the market on that name only.

         Few among them are listed below.

    1.   Brahmi Vati.: Tablets which increases the  mental disorders and gives a peaceful sleep. As a positive side effect it also increase the judgement power of the brain.

    2.   Shankhapushpi Syrup : This liquid also helps get rid of unwanted thoughts besides it increases the remembering / grasping power.

    3.  Saraswarishta

    4. Aswagandharishta  

           These Two liquids are to be taken after each food. They improve the mental condition and also help rebuilding the lost /  damages cells of the body.

         Consult any Ayurvedic doctor and he may prescribe among these along with some other medicines by examining your body constituency.

         All Ayurvedic medicines are being used in India since centuries and are proven to be effective.

         "Sarpagandha Ghan vati"  is also very effective but it reduces the blood pressure; hence recommended in cases where above problems along with high BP is also  observed by the doctor. (ie: Two problems are solved by one medicine)

         Try and get satisfied yourself without any side effects.

  6. i bought a recumbent exercise bike, when i start feeling depressed i jump on and work out all the anxiety and stress. Same for my husband. Its helped us alot to manage anxiety and stress/depression. I refuse to take pills, and he is the same way. Exercising helps us beat it. If you dont have equipment or can't afford it, i suggest walking or jogging to get your mind occupied. No matter how you feel before you work out, afterwards it feels so much better because you are too tired to be anxious or depressed. Hopefully you find a solution. Good Luck

  7. Try St. John's Wort, you can get it at the health food store. It works great.

  8. ever tried cod liver oil.  i don't know.  just a suggestion.

  9. Camomile tea? Go for a 30mins jog.It helps to release endorphins and make u much calmer.Will sleep better too.

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