I know that my depression is a culmination of my entire life, meaning outside factors other than what is just going on with my brain chemistry. That being said, I would love it to be easier to accept the difficulties in my life. I have no real family and no real friends. Obviously I would love to get out there and make a good, whole life for myself but I've always been quite shy. Becoming depressed has just made my shyness crippling and made me have no hope for ever establishing the life I see for myself in my dreams. The problem I have with medication is that I want to be natural and not have to worry about substances in my body for long periods of time. Plus, I'm only 18 and I don't want to become suicidal as I've heard that Prozac often does this to people of my age...And if I want to get off of it I don't want it to mess up my head even more...Are there any excercises, natural cures, philosophical approaches that you could share with me for overcoming depression?