
Natural cures and philosophies for depression?

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I know that my depression is a culmination of my entire life, meaning outside factors other than what is just going on with my brain chemistry. That being said, I would love it to be easier to accept the difficulties in my life. I have no real family and no real friends. Obviously I would love to get out there and make a good, whole life for myself but I've always been quite shy. Becoming depressed has just made my shyness crippling and made me have no hope for ever establishing the life I see for myself in my dreams. The problem I have with medication is that I want to be natural and not have to worry about substances in my body for long periods of time. Plus, I'm only 18 and I don't want to become suicidal as I've heard that Prozac often does this to people of my age...And if I want to get off of it I don't want it to mess up my head even more...Are there any excercises, natural cures, philosophical approaches that you could share with me for overcoming depression?




  1.    1..Good Friend,at least the One you can really trust

        2 Hobby for your expression

        3  Vegetarian Diet

         4  GYM or just being in great shape(physically/emotionally)

         5  BOOKS,BOOKS.........books to read

         6  the best motivations for Life

        p.s. ¡¡forrget about Prozac,it ´s only natural to be a bit confused at your can control your Life(¡FOREVER!)!

  2. I struggled with depression for years before finally seeing a therapist and realizing that the depression was just a symptom of an underlying condition.  I STRONGLY recommend seeing a therapist and finding one that you are comfortable with.

    While natural remedies are great, I think that most people looking for natural options don't want to end up on a strict regimen.  Rhythm therapy - and understanding your circadian rhythm - can be a BIG help.

    St. John's Wort can help with moods, but you have to commit to it.  Vitamin D supplements work well too - Vitamin D helps your body to absorb calcium, which can make you feel more calm.  Your body makes vitamin D naturally when you are in the sun, but if you're not in the sun much you may want to consider a supplement.

    And, as lame as it may sound, pick up Depression for Dummies.  Sure, the title may be counterintuitive, but I have found these books to be good resources as far as understanding the basics and helping to build a solid plan.

  3. Try self hypnosis, which is the scientific name for meditation, discover "the power of your subconscious mind". download a free copy of this book on, it helped me... you are going to be surprised about what you can do to help yourself. Good luck

  4. Here is a treatment plan from the book 'Nutrition and Mental illness' by Carl Pfeiffer PhD MD, for depression take:

    1. B6 and zinc, taken in the morning, as P-5-P Complex supplement

    2. zinc, 30mg, bedtime

    3. Deanol {DMAE}, 5 drops, each morning

    4. Vitamin C {1000mg - 2000mg, as Magnesium Ascorbate} and dolomite

    For an entirely Herbal remedy, consider:

    1. 300mg St. John's Wort

    2. Kava Kava

    3. 60mg Ginkgo Biloba

    4. Also consider supplementing 5-HTP, 30mg per day

    5. 400mg SAMe, this has been called the instant antidepressant

    If your depression has lingered for a while:

    1. Check if you have candida overgrowth

    2. Get a blood test for histamine levels

    3. See a orthomolecular nutritionist/doctor, and/or a good naturopath

    Synchronising your Circadian Clock

    Most depressives have distorted circadian clock, and abnormal sleep patterns, the following will re-sync your internal clock.

    1. 30mg Melatonin before bed time {the chemical hat make you feel sleepy: Melatonin}, or 5-HTP

    2. Hot Bath, Exercise {4-5hours before bedtime}, and s*x {releases chemicals that makes you feel sleepy}

    3. Well i have never had to try the 3rd option, but i suppose warm hot chocolate or listening to a relaxation CD, like Brain Sync.

    Lifestyle changes

    1. get 30minutes of exercise per day, e.g. swimming, yoga, or brisk walking. Proven to beat depression, faster than antidepressant medication, in one published scientific study. Exercise outdoors if you can, you will get the added benefit of fresh air, and Vitamin D production from sunlight.

    2. Drink/make Kefir, very healthy for the gut, and can cure depression. Source: 'Gut and Psychology Syndrome' book, by Dr. Natasha Campell MD

    3. Learn Emotional Freedom Technique, preferably with the aid of a EFT qualified teacher.

    4. Read the religious scriptures of the religion you follow. If you do not have any religious scriptures or do not follow any particular religion, consider reading the Holy Qur'an, this heals the soul.

    5. Get plenty of sleep, atleast 8-hours, go to bed at 10PM, as this has been shown to be the ideal time.

    6. Last but not least, consider juicing fresh organic fruit/vegetables, look into Gerson Therapy. Buy organic fruit/vegetables in bulk from local Farmer's Markets to get yourself a bargain.

    Best of luck. May your depression be lifted.

  5. great aswers here! if I can contribute my bit I'd suggest you to try BodyTalk sessions  ( and EFT sessions (

    BodyTalk sessions can get at the core causes of the depression, be they emotional , chemical, environmental etc

  6. Exercise and sunshine are very helpful for easing depression. What is most effective, though, is combining these with some form of therapy to help you get past the negative thoughts and other things that are making you feel bad.  

  7. Ten ways to successfully get rid of  depression.

    1 } Important defense mechanism has spinach, , beetroot lettuce with much lemon juice and olive oil.POWER BENEFIT: In depression your blood has tendency to be acidic. You need to try neutralize this situation What I said above has high nutritional value and alkalizing quality.

    2} Blueberries. Fresh or frozen, not to mention it tastes absolutely delicious, two servings daily for two weeks. POWER BENEFIT: struggle against feeling of guilt and loss of interest in ordinary activities.

    3} Carbohydrates, and vitamin B-complex supplement. Depression is a cruel killer that shape cyclic human hormonal reality into delicious desert. The more tryptophan enters your brain, the more serotonin will be produced to kill that killer. Get rich tryptophan eating banana, apple and kiwi. POWER BENEFIT : combat thoughts of suicide and irritability.

    4} Get Omega 3. This makes sense physiologically since omega 3 works on neurotransmitter pathways in the brain. Also, omega 3 keeps the blood wessels of the brain free from blockages It also helps in boosting up the nerve cells to function at a higher level. Because omega 3 is found in Oceanus fish and eggs and if you want only fruits and vegetables then take omega 3 supplement.

    5} Daily walking in the sun. It produces a brain chemical called dopamine which help maintain mental equilibrium But before you leave your home eat milk, yogurt or salmon,tomatoes,cucumber and /or broccoli.

    6} Out, find a place where you can express your emotions aloud . For example cry if you feel inside like crying. This is an act of courage and in the same time, shows your progress. Immediately after this, it can't be less than a big happy moments.

    7}Selenium,vitamin B 12, for the" feel-good " brain receptors. The take away from it is that you need eat brown rice,nuts,seeds and liver.

    8} Drink a lots of mineral water with pH above from 7.4

    9} Breakfast cereals .Don't forget it.

    10} Breathing exercises on daily basis,the most powerful line to cure depression because a high need of brain for oxygen.

    I hope I helped you a bit.

  8. The killer sugar sucrose can cause depression so reducing your intake of table sugar, refined sugar or white sugar might perhaps help.  Sweet foods loaded with sucrose include desserts, chocolate, ice cream, cakes, cookies, biscuits and many others.  See item 75 in .

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