
Natural cures for common ailments?

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i want to start livng a all natural life.Not like that like bullsh*t you get at stores and say "natural",i'm done with pills and non-organic c**p and that kind of stuff.i want to know if there is like things i could find without having to waste money and is easy to obtain(because i'm only 14,and is broke)that would heal

headaches and upset somach or stuff like that,thank you




  1. Hi, at 14 years old I have to say more power to you for realising the power of natural cures at such an early age. Here ae some suggestions for you.

    For Your Headaches:

    1. Take a hot bath. The hot water helps to release contracted muscles and generally relaxes the whole body, thus relieving tension headaches.

    2.. Some oils such as lavender, eucalyptus and peppermint can relieve tension headaches.

    For Your Upset Stomach:

    Get your digestion working well by taking more fruits that has high fiber content- red apples are excellent. Drink lots of water to help the fibre move easily along your digestive track- bringing anything that had rotted with it.

    There's a lot more natual remedies available for free online too, so don't be afraid to use big brother Google. lol.

  2. I use ginger or ginger root capsules( $3.88 for 100 caps at walmart). Ginger has been used for centuries for nausea,motion sickness and headaches. In above normal dosage its better than Advil or Motrin. There are many other kitchen remedies like chocolate and packs of certain sugar substitutes that can kill pain. Just be careful and gain wisdom on these alternatives before becoming a Guinna pig. Many survival guides out there can teach you alot when you have nothing. Be safe

  3. Get a chest infection and see how far you get without antibiotics.

    As for headaches, fair play to you. They're often just a sign thet you're tired, dehydrated or something similar.

  4. You can start buy giving up certain things:  No soda, no white sugar, NO ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS, No MSG, no white bread, no white pasta, no white rice, and NO FAST FOOD.

    At 14 you really don't have much control and organic foods and herbal remedies are costly.  However, you can make better choices like drinking lots of water instead of sodas.

    I eat 99% organic except when I visit family and I take lots of herbal supplements.  I haven't had a soda in years and I never eat at fast food burger places. I also don't eat pork except when visiting family.  Then after my vacation with family it takes me weeks to get back to feeling better.

    As for headaches it will depend what causes your headaches.  Check the yellow pages for a health food store that sells food, NOT GNC!  The people who work in health food stores are pretty good at recommending things.  As to the upset stomach that again depends what is causing it and what you mean by upset.

  5. Pl check these home-remedies

  6. Amongst the countless options that you have would be pressure points and massage. A massage of the temporal region will relieve certain ailments; while the pressure point that is between your index finger and thumb may assist in relieving stomach pains.

    My suggestion would be to look up pressure points and massage techniques that would assist in curing pains.

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