
Natural cures for diarrhea?

by Guest62378  |  earlier

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I have no idea what caused it and it's not a recurring problem so I think it's probably food poisoning or something.




  1. a vegitable laxitive will put your digestion system on the right track. it will

    comfortably release your waste.

  2. eat cheese since that constipates you

  3. Try eating 1 pound of cheddar cheese.

  4. you have to drink water that mix with one spoon full sugar and salt and drink it !

    or other choice u have to eat papaya leaves's

  5. ~Apple or guava juice works.

  6. diarrhoea tablets? there are a variety :)

  7. Water.

  8. mmmmm try to find the bayabas plant and drink it

  9. bananas and/or hard cheese, like cheddar will calm your malady.

  10. Salted water... :-)

    should be warm

  11. Bratt- remember that






    They all naturally help to stop diarrhea

    Probably would not recommend cheese, because you could have had diarrhea because you were constipated and cheese would not help the matter.

  12. Massage your belly in circular motions going in directions opposite of clockwise. That will back up the intestines and encourage your diarrhea to stop.

  13. if your tummy is getting rid of anything you put in it, stop putting stuff in it.  clear liquids only, water, diluted apple juice, coffee, tea)no sugar) broths.  Do this till diarrhea stops.  then wait at least 2-3 hours before eating anything and start slowly, dry crackers, chicken soup with a few noodles, light buttered toast.  If you have a stomach virus, your stomach doesn't want anything in there.  You won't starve to death on a clear liquid diet and you will stay hydrated as well.  People always complain about keeping something down when they have stomach upset.  well, stop putting stuff in there!!  Your body needs time and liquid to rid itself of the offending virus and liquid to help it cleanse itself. and your bowels need rest from digesting at this time too, hence, clear liquids only.  Also, BRATT diet is for after poops have stopped.

  14. If you have diarrhea, your body is trying to rid itself of something, so you don't necessarily want to stop the process altogether. Instead, see a doctor and explain what's happening. In the meantime, drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated, as that can become dangerous rather quickly. A doctor will be able to prescribe something or give you natural alternatives.

    On a sidenote, my mother used to feed us a bit of chocolate and a banana when we had diarrhea as children.

    Don't eat a pound of cheese...tsk You don't want to turn your diarrhea into intestinal blockage.

  15. cheese, bananas, rice, yogurt.

  16. I have heard people drinking warmed milk, eating bananas or cheese. Also, eating foods high in iron. I personally have not tried these remedies. It's what others have recommended. I'm a fan of chemicals...Immodium AD.

  17. drinking water

    if you have diarrhea its most likely b/c you are either dehidrated or b/c of something you ate.  drinking water will help with both of these.

  18. Fresh lemon joice (not from concentrate, or other sold in stores). From real lemon.

    And make yourself a toast. make it burned / black. charcoal will cleat your stomach from whatever caused the problem.

  19. Bananas, they make people constipated... it can counter act

    the "D-reese"

  20. Dried blueberries. They'll constipate you.

  21. I agree with Beth...the body is trying to expel whatever caused the problem..usually a bacteria. If you can wait a day or so to see if it will pass before stopping the diarrhea it would be best. (but drink lots of water to keep hydrated) Otherwise the bacteria is still in the GI tract and it will be a longer recovery to get the system back to normal.

    *To stop the cramping feeling of the gut drink chamomile tea

    *Drink lots of water and replenish electrolytes that have been lost using  Emergen-C or something similar

    *Activated charcoal tablets are effective in that they attract the bacteria to bind to it and carry it out of the body so they don't sit in your gut.

    *Pro-biotics to replace intestinal flora that's lost and help fight what bad bacteria is left in there.

    *If the diarrhea is still happening Red Raspberry leaf tincture is an astringent. It will help tone the bowel tissue and stop  the runs. start with 1/2 the recommended dose on the tincture bottle. Usually 10-15 drops. wait and see if 1 dose works before doing another. Too much and the GI tract will slow down to much, it may go the opposite.

    *If you suspect food/water poisoning, like e. coli etc maybe trying Oregon Grape Root tincture. It's great for intestinal bacteria

    *If it's parasite related, like giardia, think Black Walnut tincture

    and eat pumpkin seeds

  22. First off it depends on what is causing the diarrhea. If this is the cause, discontinue the offending agent or cure the underlying cause. If you have a disease state that is causing it, then rx meds are the best way to go. However, if this is not the case, incorporating fiber in your diet will cease the episodes. At any rate, everyone should be consuming 25g/fiber per day and drink plenty of water. If you cant get it in your diet you can always get over the counter stuff like Metamucil and the like. Ask your Pharmacist on what product is the best for you since some of the OTC stuff can interfere with you meds, if you are taking any.

  23. Charcoal tablets can be found at most health food stores.

  24. well you have your choice of answers,

    hard cheese, and black berries, are my suggestion and what my mom would give my growing up.

    but if there is a food you normally eat that will constipate you try it.

    my pediatrician said to give my daughter apple juice but I don't know if that works for adults.

    I hope you feel better.

    you mentioned food poisoning? or are you sensitive to something you eat periodically  milk or wheat.   or just a really fatty meal. some times they just work them selves out of our system before we can even put something in to help it.

    good luck.

  25. Assuming it's mild, drink blackberry leaf tea or strawberry leaf tea. Both berry plants are available this time of year. Use about a tablespoon of fresh leaves (or 1 rounded teaspoon dried) to 6 ounces boiling water. Steep 5 minutes and strain out herb. Drink 3 cups a day or up to once every 4 hours.

    If this turns into dysentery (severe) you need to report it to the health department and consider seeking medical help. Sumac root or twig made into a tea (boil 10 minutes) will stop even severe dysentery.

    If it is food poisoning and goes on for a time, activated charcoal, available at health food stores, will help absorb some of the bacteria.

  26. You should  drink more water so you aren't so dehydrated.

  27. This is not so much a "cure", but it helps:  Just keep a very bland diet so as to not make things worse (such as rice & chicken with very little or no seasonings).  Hope this helps some


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