
Natural gases found in texas, what does this mean religiously?

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how can you link the two religiously, specifically with any religion...different religions. catholic, buddhism, christianity. ..etc thanks





  1. link is not working, sorry

    ...make what you will of this

    ..the Earth is a dynamic mailable system, constantly changing and capable of enormous force through heat, mass, and electron movement

    ....the Earth is a tiny planet in one solar system of a massive galaxy the is one of hundreds of billions of other galaxies, comprising the entire Universe

    ....the forces of Earth pale in magnitude to the forces of the vast planetary array in the Universe can any humans really make a religious connection to such a vast expanse of the Universe...obviously created by a power far greater and obviously more complex than humans? go ahead and make a connection, use God, and use quantifiable data to support your assertions

    ....we have many facts known geologically concerning Earth

    ....establish a time-line and promulgate a theory of God's divine intervention along the time-line, from Epoch to Era to Age....


  2. Well, the Catholic answer is that the universe  was created in the Big Bang and developed over 13 or 14 billion years, eventually producing earth, gas and Texas. No conflict there.

  3. Everything is bigger in the US and even bigger still in Teaxs. So although the connection with natural gas and religion is so small in general that one cannot detect it, the probability of the Texans have it is greater than anywahere else.

    I think the question is a joke and that the kind of natural gas is that produced by the spoken word. In other words, even in Texas where religion comes second to cow-punching, they can still waste a lot of gas, natural and otherwise.

  4. It doesn't have anything to do with religion. (CNN strikes again)

    All it means is that the church property sets on top of an oil field and some oil company has a lease on some of the church's property and can drill a well and hopefully make the church very wealthy.

    This is how it works:

    Joe's property is 10 square acres.  If Joe owns the mineral rights he can lease a portion of his property to an oil and gas company.  So he leases one acre to the oil company.  The oil company hires the drilling company to set up their rig on the acre Joe leased to them.  The drilling company drills and the well comes in (they find oil or gas).  The oil company sells the oil and gas to the refining company.  The refining company refines it and sells it to you so your daughter can borrow your car to go to the mall with her friends.  

    Back to Joe.  The well is producing 60bbl/day (barrels per day-a barrel of crude is only 33 gallons, not 55). Oil is selling for $120.00 per bbl

    Joe gets seven percent or $504.00 per day.  One other thing.  The refining company is going to buy at the lowest price.  If Joe's oil is too expensive because of transportation and taxes. The refining company  will go elsewhere to buy crude.  Assuming there is oil under the 68 million acres in the continental US that are not being drilled, this is why.

    And yes there is LOTS of gas in Texas - The largest deposits are around Austin, especially when the Legistature is in session.

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