
Natural hair colour changing?

by Guest56924  |  earlier

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My natural hair colour seems to be changing by itself. I haven't dyed it before or whatsoever. It used to be black but now it's brown. Is it because of what I eat and is it possible to change it back without dying it?




  1. as you grow older your hair will start to change to a different color [no i dont mean grey, not until or about 60] i know abunch of people who had really pretty natural hair but a little bit after puberty it changed. so its natural, your hormones i guess  =/  this will happen to most people so dont worry its normal. but you can never get it back the way you had it, sry  =/

  2. Bepends how old you are. I'm 14, and my hair used to be black when I was a baby, then it turned light blond, and then a reddish/brownish colour, and now It's turning brown xD I've been like every where on the colour scale :P

  3. Look back at what you have maybe been doing in the past year... lot of people are using flat iron more and the sun, wind, swimming pools are all culprits in lifting pigment from the hair... even blow drying daily can... can't change it back without dying but you can't stop or slow down on doing some of the things I described or either get a protectant for your hair... their a lot of hair products that will protect from heat and from the uva/uvb rays from the sun... oh tanning beds are know to lighten hair... think about what you might be doing different.

    Hope this helps;-)))

  4. my friend has white blonde hair in the summer but like almost black in the winter, maybe its just changing cause the summer made it lighter

  5. Hormones...happens. Use a semi-permanent dye, level 2N, it would damage it; no way to change it back w/out dye.

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