
Natural herbs for estrogen replacement? *woman had ovaries removed*

by Guest58472  |  earlier

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I ran into a woman yesterday who overheard me helping a friend with vitamins and asked me for help. what natural herbs or supplements can she use to replace estrogen since she had her ovaries removed? I Thought macafem and soy products along with calcium...but macafem doesn't have estrogen in causes the body to naturally produce it on it's own...but I doubt that could work for her. Any ideas?




  1. Soy is a phytoestrogen, so that would be a good thing to add to her diet.

    She should talk to her doctor about HRT to make sure she is getting the correct amounts of estrogen.

  2. Raspberries, Almonds Soy, I also believe the have an over the counter herbal product to take as a supplement. However she may need hormone therapy all together. Have her talk to her OBGYN.

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