
Natural medicine/spirituality schools?

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I'm very into spirituality and nutrition and overall well being of the person (physically and mentally). I'd loooove to be a psychologist, but, I'm not Doc. material :p. So I was thinking about going to college for something along the lines of something herbal, nutrition, healing through spirituality. Something along the lines of that (those are just meek examples). Ultimately to start my own little business kinda. Anyone know of some schools like that in the Northeastern states?




  1. You might need to split your education as I'm not aware of a school that does all of those things.

    For herbal education try look at Tai Sophia Institute. This is a longer course. It's in Maryland

    There's a few other shorter programs in your area, but only 1 comes to mind at the moment. 7Song is an associate teacher at the school I attended on the west coast. He's fantastic and very knowledgable and based in upstate NY.

    For the spiritual side you might want to look into Transpersonal Psychology schools. Here's one that popped up but I know there are more out there.

    If you are into the spiritual... pertaining to hands-on energy work look into Barbara Brennans school in Florida. I think she does 2 week course a couple times a year and  it's a 4 year program but can be done in 3 years.

    Good luck

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