
Natural mothers: What would be a nice nonoffensive Christmas gift for my son's natural mother?

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We are very close. She sees him every couple of months. I will be seeing her mid December and would like to give her something. What would be appropriate? I was thinking a nice photo album with pictures. Any other suggestions?




  1. Go with BPD's idea.  I really like that idea.

  2. The photo book is great. You can also try getting a small scrap book together. We have done that for our birth mom. Everytime we get our daughters pictures take we give her one and then the first chirstmas we did a scrap book. We put pic of her with our daughter and then added little saying next to the pics. We have done two fro ourself. The pics with her birth mom we put her name and who she was. Her birth mom loved the book.

  3. Photo album sounds does the hand and foot prints.  I kept a few newborn-sized clothes from my own children...they seem so impossibly small now.

  4. The photos is a lovely idea and perhaps a nice bottle of wine or something.  

    What a thoughtful thing to do

  5. We exchange gifts every Christmas with our son's bio-grandparents.  I always try to put a picture in a frame of them with our son.  This year, we have purchased them a digital photo frame so that we can send them new updated photo cards that they can put in the frame for every holiday.  

    Another thought would be a charm bracelet with a charm for every milestone in your son's life - it is also a gift that you can build upon each year, by providing her with a new charm for every new milestone.  For example, a birthstone charm for his birth, a shoe charm for his first steps, a Santa charm for his first Christmas, a schoolhouse charm for his first day of school, etc.

    Good luck.  Happy Holidays.

  6. I think that sounds like a wonderful gift. I know I would like to have pictures.

  7. when i first saw the question my first opinion was pictures. your idea is a great one.  i know thats all i'll want

  8. The pictures are a great idea. I know it sounds cheesy but a locket w/ the baby's picture might also be nice.

  9. Your idea is nice....they also have digital photo frames you could try. Maybe if you have a video camera you could make her a movie. I received a blanket with my kids pictures on it for christmas one year, it is nice. Good luck.

  10. I think your idea is precious!  Maybe you could also give her a plaster impression of his handprint, or dip his little hands and feet in washable paint and then frame the prints. I think it's wonderful that you are close with your sons birth mother.

  11. a pitcure of the child

  12. I think your idea is perfect.  We buy some from Shutter* every year.

    They do cool calenders, too.

  13. That ia a perfect gift. Im sure she would love it. I made a photobooki for my mother-in-law this year. Cant wait to give it to her. There is a good website to get them that if you are into digital photos at all.

    good luck and merry christmas!

  14. Im all for photos... perhaps u could drive down to RITE-AIDE / or CVS stores and look into buying  a Digital Photo -Keychain. I've seen them selling for $15.00 /25.00 dollars.   Photos are speacial moments captured on camera .. I too am without my children  . I most  treasure all photos of my children keeping them close at reach as well as close 2 heart.  I wish you and the family the best  in X-mas shopping for the natural mom, I 'm  pretty sure on what you  &  family  decide on , will be wise... " HAPPY - HOLIDAYS " 2 all....

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