
Natural remedies for congestion and sinuses?

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Medications like Advil and Tylenol help some, but I was wondering about some natural "homemade" remedies. Last night, I couldn't breath out of my nose. I kept having to beath out of my mouth, and then 20 minuets later it would get dry, and I would have to wake up and take a sip of water. I am EXTREMELY congested. Thank you for any suggestions.




  1. I had problems like this for awhile. Go to any drug store (walgreens CVS etc) and buy a nasal flush kit. its a bottle that you put warm water and a slaty solution in and spray up your nose. It might be umcomfortable at first but it relieves the congestion and cleans the sinuses. dont expect relief right away. use it for about a week every night and see.Also avoid sugars and dairy products as they produce mucus and flem whic causes congestion. I ended up having a nasal tumor and the doctor has me flushing everyday to keep my sinuses from forming the waste and tumor again. good luck.

  2. The only things that really helped me was when my Dr. told me about a sinus wash that will kill bacteria.

    you need

    distilled water

    sea salt

    liquid chlorophyll and colloidal silver from the health food store.

    in a glass mix 1/4 cup water with a pinch of salt and heat to body temperature.

    add 5 drops each silver and chlorophyll and mix.

    using a large dropper (like one used for infant medication) drop 2 full droppersfull into one side of the nose while laying down.

    Turn the head and let it drain out the other nostril. Be sure to have paper towels handy.

    The silver kills the bacteria and there are several hundred kind that can live in the sinus cavities and anti biotics don't get rid of them all.

    Do this twice a day for a week, mixing up the mixture fresh each time.

    Then do it once a week for maintenance.

    There is nothing in this that will hurt you, and it cured me.

    I do not have to take claritin, or antibiotics anymore.

    best wishes

  3. Saline solution drops.

  4. what helped me get rid of my allergies and sinus infections was echinacea tea. It was a miracle worker! I would also say that congestion and sinus infections are caused by low immune system function, and can be solved by healthier eating, exercise, and getting rid of possible allergens. A hepa air purifier is an excellent investment, as well as a humidifier. Hope everything works out!

  5. Get yourself one of these:

  6. ORANGE JUICE is the key. when ever i have cold and such. i eat oranges or drink orange juice. anything with high amounts of vitamin C.

    vitamin C helps cure you when your sick. giving your body energy and boosting your immune system

  7. BreatheRite Strips are amazing. I use them regularly as I am allergic to everything and more likely congested than not. The strips will aid in breathing during the night. For congestion, try ginger, ginger tea, echinacea, stinging nettles and garlic (natural antibiotics). Oregacyn is also pretty good. And of course, the old stand by Vitamin C as much as possible. I would advise against Orange Juice as the sugar content will lead to more congestion; just take vitamin C tablets or try EmergenC. Feel Better.

  8. you can try this method to decongest the stuffy nose:

    exhale normally, pinch your nose and hold your breath for 30 to 40 seconds or longer if you can. Wait 2 or 3 minutes and repeat the procedure 2 or 3 more times in the same manner. This is Buteyko method and it always works like a charm for me when I have a cold or the flu. When the nose is unblocked, I wash the nasal cavity immediately with saline to remove all the mucus (you can try sinucleanse).

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