
Natural remedies for excessive stomach acid?

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I had a colonoscopy and EDG today and it turned out fine, except I had too much acid in my stomach which my doctor thinks is causing some digestive problems that I've been having. So I was wondering if there are any natural remedies for this. My doctor told me to take Prilosec, but I'm not really into prescriptions. Please help!




  1. look up zypan.  i dont know the exact name. but its a natural enzyme that you take with meals.  it controls the acid very well.  but must be taken with the meal and in the middle of it.   ive taken prilosec for years and finally got of it to try this and am verrrrrrrrry happy with it! good luck!!

  2. 1) Seek a reputable TCM Dr. (acupuncturist) for needles and herbs. Can totally restore your body's natural balance.

    2) Natural remedies to buy:

    --DGL licorice tablets (don't overdo licorice, Google this product for info) but indispensible to your condition

    --Slippery elm root (very soothing, awesome for your condition

    --LOTS of Ginger in everything: tea, food, juice, raw, can't over-do the ginger

    --Chamomile and it's non-relative "Roman Chamomile" as tea, very good for your stomach

    3) Foods to avoid:

    Peppers, spicy foods, red meat, mint (depends may be ok for you), try going without wheat it may help you or not, coffee, black tea, onions, (do research for TCM heating foods to avoid)

    4)Foods to eat regularly:

    -- leak/potato soup

    --replace onions with leaks in everything

    -- root veggies (carrots, turnips, radish, potato, yam, lotus root...)

    --Cucumber is very cooling

    --melon, may be too cooling

    --RICE should be a staple for you, very good for your belly

    --meats: fish, duck, and chicken (a little warming, but better than beef) no red meat.


    My bf was on it for years to control his acid reflux. We believe it made him considerably more susceptible to infections and viruses. Ending in a horrid bout of campylobacter bacteria which had him in the hospital for days pucking and s***ing his guts out. So not fun. You don't digest food properly while you are on it, and Dr.'s just give it away. It's disgusting. Totally throws your body off balance. Seek Traditional Chinese Medicine help. He is totally off Prilosec now thanks to regular acupuncture and herbs.

  3. Try more alkaline foods like bananas and potatos.  Dont go very long without eating and watch drinking coffee on an empty stomach.

    Bananas arent great for gall bladder problems, so go easy on those if you have any

  4. Obviously do not eat spicy/fatty/fried food, chocolate, soda, caffeinated drinks, or mints. Don't smoke, eat a ton of food/gain weight, or eat then lie down. You could try mastic gum, l-glutamine powder w/meals, or carrot juice.

    Get your doctor's approval. I understand that a lot of people for are fearful of prescriptions, but you should also be just as afraid of taking things you find in a "natural remedy" shop also.

  5. milk....i get acid reflexis all the time and good ole milk has NEVER let me down!

  6. I have a similar problem and I am using a great simple acid alcaline diet, which I can highly recommend. You can read more about it by following the link below. The diet should be at the bottom of the nutrition page.

  7. I'm told gaining weight is the easiest way to help the problem, but that has it's own obvious down sides...  try cutting out coffee and other really acidic foods, that helped me a lot, and getting lots of calcium (it dosn't all have to come from dairy) makes a big difference too.

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