
Natural remedies to keep the creepy crawlies out of my home

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So, I think I've posted about this sort of topic like 5 times now lol

I live in a old house built back in the late 40s. For some reason, bugs LOVE this house. My roomate and I, we don't leave food or liquids out, we keep things fairly clean and we try not to leave out any standing water. But inspite of all of this, we still run across bugs constantly. Thankfully, they are not live threating bugs, just annoying and creepy.

I really don't like the idea of running around the house spraying bug spray and repelant, and that doesn't seem to work away.. What are some natural ways of keeping bugs away? I used cinnamon in the cupboards to keep ants away and I was blown away, it worked!

I've heard salt water can keep spiders away.. Is this true? And is it a general rule that if it has a strong sent to humans, it will keep insects away, for example Eucalyptus Oil?




  1. I have had some luck with pennyroyal and peppermint.

  2. Lavender is a natural repellent. I grow the plants around my fire pit. I take a hanful of the leaves and rub them in my hand until they turn my hands oily. Then pat the oil on my body. It works!...people laugh at me until they try it. Try growing your own, it takes a couple years to esablish the plants, or buy some lavender oil. Spray inside around windows, doors, etc...

    Also, line your house foundation with salt. Sidewalk salt is cheap and the larger the salt rock, the longer it lasts.

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