
Natural remedy for hot flashes and night sweats?

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Natural remedy for hot flashes and night sweats?




  1. The herbs Black Cohosh and Dong Quai; Primrose Oil and Vitamin E.

  2. you can try a gradual cold or cool shower. Start with tepid water and over the period of 3-5 minutes gradually lower the temperature of water to cool and then cold. You should feel better immediately and will cool your body as well.

  3. Try 1,000mg of evening Primrose Oil capsules.

    PS you swallow the capsules not rub them on your skin as I have heard so many times.

    They regulate the hormone levels that are now defeciant in your body.

    They do take a while to build up in your system, but work fantastic.

    Don't the hot flushes and night sweats suck?

    Been there and done that.

  4. you'll have to play around w/ what works for you. everyone's system is different.

    evening primrose oil is good, so is black cohosh, chaste tree and dong quai (angelica).

    there is a good company called enzymatic therapy that makes an "am/pm" formula  that combines some of these as well- many health food stores sell it.

    try one for a month or so & see if it helps, if not, then switch it up, but give each one a decent try.

    caffeine often makes hot flashes worse, so try decaf instead.

  5. In Chinese medicine, hot flashes and night sweats are considered Yin Deficiency. Black cohosh is popular, but eventually creates more Yin Deficiency if used for a prolonged period of time so you often hear women say that the black cohosh 'stopped working' for them. Chaste berry has a better track record for long term use.

  6. In countries like Japan and China where people consume large amounts of phytoestrogens (typically from soy foods and beverages), women tend to have fewer menopausal symptoms.  The Japanese don't even have a word for hot flashes!  Studies that look at populations around the world have found that those who consume large amounts of phytoestrogens in their diet have a lower risk of many of the so-called Western diseases as well as menopause.  Like certain herbs, soy contains phytoestrogens, most notably isoflavones, which affect the body in the some of the same ways that human oestrogen does.  Naturally low in fat, soy has also been found to reduce cholesterol levels, and there's some evidence to suggest it may lessen bone loss.  Soy proponents recommend women try to have a daily serving of soy in the form of soy nuts, soy milk, tofu, tempeh, or soy burgers.  While soy is most often talked about as a source of phytoestrogens, it's worth remembering that other foods are loaded with these plant-based oestrogens, too, so if you can't tolerate or don't like soy, investigate options such as flaxseed, chickpeas, lentils and various beans.  

    There are other dietary habits which further predispose Western women to menopausal problems.  Western women consume much more meat and about four times as much fat as do women on Asian rice-based diets, and only one-quarter to one-half the fiber.  For reasons that have never been completely clear, a high-fat, low-fiber diet causes a rise in oestrogen levels.  Women on higher-fat diets have measurably more oestrogen activity than do those on low-fat diets.  At menopause, the ovaries' production of oestrogen comes to a halt.  Those women who had been on high-fat diets then experience a violent drop in oestrogen levels.  Asian women have lower levels of oestrogen both before and after menopause, and the drop appears to be less dramatic.  The resulting symptoms are much milder, or even non-existent.  

    Some women claim that vitamin E offers minor relief for hot flashes.  In a study reported last year researchers at the well-regarded Mayo Clinic found that women who took a daily dose of 800 IU of vitamin E reduced their hot flashes by at least one per day.  While this is only a small reduction, vitamin E has so many other benefits for the heart and brain that it would be extremely beneficial for almost all menopausal women.  

    BioGenistein Plus contains the soy isoflavones genistein and genistin. BioGenistein Plus also includes dietary indoles, like indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane to help control excessive amounts of "bad" estrogen in the body. (http://www.indigoworld.4healthdirect. com)

  7. Arbonne has a natural progesterone cream called Phyto Prolief and Prolief.  It is important to educate yourself, and have your hormones checked by a trusted doctor.  If your doctor recommends a progesterone cream, I highly recommend the Arbonne products, as they are all natural.

    Check it out here:

  8. it is called estroven. You can get it a walmarts or on-line. It has plant hormones from soy. It really works.....

  9. You can do the following things to get relief from night sweats:

    1) Relax and do not over stress yourself

    2) Take rest - Sleep

    3) Use wicking and fast drying PJ's and bedsheets that will keep you comfortable from night sweats.

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