
Natural way of stopping a skunk from trotting threw your yard

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how do i get rid of a skunk from walking threw my yard in the middle of the night?? stinky!!!




  1. Well, most people would think a fence..but if you don't have one that takes time and money. but your question isn't a big deal so you don't want to spend alot. so get a big  i have the same prob. i don't have a dog or a fence. My friend somehow found skunk repellent. yes. i said it. its kinda like dogs...your dog pees on your house, other dogs wont. get skunk repellent and spray it around your yard.

  2. Pee on the path.  (OR pee in a container and drop a few drops around the perimeter of the yard).  This will keep most wandering animals away and mark it as your territory.  

  3. I have the same problem. My local skunk got up into my papayas and dug around in the pots!!! Time for me to spread around some cayenne pepper. If you can find out the regular path/entry for the stinky little bugger spread around some ground cayenne pepper, They hate the stuff, isn't harmfull and environmentally friendly. The commercial stuff usually contains either cayenne, black pepper or, no joke, Coyote urine.

  4. 12 ga shotgun loaded with buckshot.

    One accurate shot and he won't be stinking up your yard for long.

    Do you understand a skunk doesn't stink just walking? Something must be antagonizing the skunk. It might not even be in your yard.

  5. an alternative to urine is Ammonia, it is a natural derivative of urine.  the ancient greeks actually put their chamber pots outside in the sun and after some time in the heat there would be a chemical reaction and the urine would be the solvent we now know as Ammonia (except ours is made synthetically).  Sprinkle some around the perimeter of your home or the area you want skunks to stay away from and they will. I've done this my parents and their parents did this, i live in a heavily populated skunk environment.

  6. ceyote urine (available through hunting, trapping supply stores) around perimeter about once a month

  7. Pelt it with bullets whenever it comes by. Stops 'em in their tracks.

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