
Natural way to get rid of a headache?

by Guest66774  |  earlier

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i dont have enough money for tablets and no one else has any!




  1. sleep

  2. cold rag on your forehead  

  3. eat something and drink lots of water and have a nap or go to bed early.

  4. rubbing ur temples

  5. drink water  

  6. If its a tension headache pinch the skin between your thumb and index finger of your left hand hold the pinch for 30 seconds then release,this is acupressure and should help  

  7. Asprin typically costs less than 20p or 40c.

    However, a headache caused by dehdyration can be eased by drinking a lot of water, but it will take time to take effect.

  8. rub your temples or have someone for you an try to sleep. close your eyes and clear your mind!

  9. my g/f says s*x is a great way as it releases pressure and its fun too

  10. hot water with lemon, dark cool room, relax and sleep.  

  11. I find sleep always helps me. Just rest and keep fluids up. Good luck.  :)

  12. drink lots of water and sleep!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. tea

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