
Natural ways of getting to sleep?

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what is a natural way or something i can take that is

like a home remidi

that will make me go to sleep :))

it will help alot

i need a good night sleep its impossible for me

kinda have a little insomnia :/

i've taken ambien but omg

that was the worst feeling i woke up feeling light headed and

kindof float-ey like and i couldn't focus





  1. hot tea,jammies,and nice warm blanket? =)

  2. If sleep is disrupted by another condition, such as restless legs syndrome, painful arthritis, or carpal tunnel syndrome, it may be helpful to seek treatment for that condition. In addition, the following herbs and supplements have been shown to help induce sleep:

    Valerian—300 to 600 milligrams (mg) valerian root 30 minutes to two hours before bedtime. If taking liquid valerian, take 30 to 40 drops of extract in a small amount of warm water within the hour before bedtime. Long-term valerian therapy is not recommended. Valerian is sometimes used with lemon balm.

    Melatonin—300 micrograms (mcg) to 10 mg about 30 minutes before bedtime. Sometimes lower doses work better than higher doses.

    GABA—350 to 700 mg before bedtime (taken sublingually)

    L-tryptophan—1500 to 2000 mg before bedtime

    Link to full protocol for insomnia is below.

    Good Luck!!!

  3. Go to amazon and find a guided meditation to do at night. There are many herbs that will calm the mind like skullcap, lavender, and Mellisa.

  4. There are a lot of people today that find it difficult to get the mind rested enough to fall a sleep but there are growing concerns that the cause is?

    People who play the games on the mobile phones and computers are increasing the activity of the mind and the mind is not able settle down on it's own?

    There are several methods of relaxation that can help but have to be practised such as T M, Yoga, Tai Chi, Mindfulness, to name a few.

    The one I use is called relax invented in Poland and played twice a day in their hospitals and they found that patients got better quicker and were discharged earlier.

  5. Although I have never tried it I heard that taking a Melatonin pill helps with insomnia. They are available over the counter. Our bodies sometimes don't get enough melatonin and some people take it as a supplement. I suggest you look into this.

  6. Try drinking chamomile tea.  It's soothing and has a relaxing smell and taste.

  7. 5-htp u can buy it at walmart. before i started taking it i couldnt get to sleep before 3 in the morning now i am usually in bed by 1. it also helps control appetite and boosts your mood and it is natural

  8. Foods rich in Tryptophan will help induce natural sleep and aid in reducing anxiety and tension.

    Avoid caffeine for a few hours before bedtime too.

    foods rich in Tryptophan are ~ bananas, cottage cheese, milk, meat, fish, turkey, bananas, dried dates, peanuts and all protein rich foods ............. turkey sandwiches for supper may just do the trick buddy......... :0)

    Have a soothing cup of organic loose leaf chamomile tea ~ this could be the sleep remedy you need too♥

    The tea bag and commercial varieties of herbal teas such as chamomile tea could never be of any therapeutic value as they have had so much of the essential oils pulverised from them .......... only organic will do buddy ♥

    Also, try putting a few drops of organic pure essential lavender oil into a warm bath and soak in that for 15 minutes just before bedtime ~ the lavender oil is a great natural stress reliever and will relax you enormously ♥

    Don't use the lavender oil if you are pregnant or breast feeding ♥

    For more difficult insomnia, try 1mg of melatonin sublingually (dissolved under the tongue) 15 minutes before bedtime♥any good health food store will be able to provide you with all these things♥

    Naturally resolving the problem will always be the best way .... :0)

    hope this helps you a bit ♥



  9. give these folks a ring if you want something natural. chamomile tea is OK, try "Red Clover" drink a lot of it at least 3 times a day. you'll be able to find it at an health food store, or in yours or someones back yard. It grows wild everywhere, its the clovers with pinkish purplish flowers, look in those tall grasses in an open Field its all over, you even see them along the high way growing crazy, and have no idea that stuff right there is great for me.

    A plant made just for the ladies, all natural, no tampering by science, just from Mother Nature herself. and please please drink lots of spring water everyday.

  10. Minx...easy on the hearts, please!

    You need to have a, warm bath with lavender with a Nora Jones CD playing, same time every night (or as close as possible).  Then jammies and a little reading.  No TV in the bedroom though!  Find a routine that you like and repeat that every day.  It will train your body to know that when the routine is occurring, it means it is time to shutdown and sleep.

  11. Here are some home-remedies for sleeplessness

  12. kava kava, valerian, etc- melatonin

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